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Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
15 minGeneral announcementsAll

Updates from TSWG members of general interest to the group.

  • Highlights of particular interest from Internet Identity Workshop #36 last week in Mountain View, CA.
  • Mathieu
    • OID4VC has received a lot of attention and momentum. EU mention. OIDC realm is pushing it.
      • ToIP should be considering how OID4VC fits into the ToIP model(s).
    • Digital Trust in Age of AI - ChatGPT, deepfakes...
    • SPAC - security, privacy, authenticity and privacy - Sam Smith did daily sessions.
    • Trust Registries - lots of sessions
    • KERI popular
  • Phil F
    • AI - Eric Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity - signing content of different media types. Existing tech (X.509)
    • aside - TimB "that's the big emerging theme protocols having signed ... events/content/messages/credential/etc."
      • "We are having our pre-TCP/IP moment..."
    • aside - McCown - Red Teaming Digital Identities (Tiffany Mahoney - AFRL) 
    • SPAC - Sam's triad
    • KERI IPR - Kaliya raised a session as KERI was at DIF, left DIF, and now is in its own community.
      • BDFL Apache 2 but repository is on its own.
2 minReview of action items from the previous meetingChairs
25 minTask Force ReportsTF Leads

Technology Architecture TFWenjing Chu  Drummond Reed

  • Work continues on the ToIP Glossary Workspace — it is now probably 85% complete. Drummond's contributions will taper off the month of May due to the spring conference season, so full completion may need to wait until June. But there will be a Terminology Workshop in the Trust Spanning Protocol TF on May 3 (see below).
  • Good feedback on TAS requirements is coming from the Trust Spanning Protocol TF. That process is also likely to continue into June.
  • Work continues on developing a third-generation conceptual ToIP stack diagram.
  • Tooling (github) being worked on.

Trust Registry TFAndor Kesselman Antti Kettunen  Darrell O'Donnell

Trust Spanning Protocol TFDrummond Reed Wenjing Chu Samuel Smith (Daniel Hardman Emeritus)

  • Daniel Hardman will be stepping back to Emeritus status due to his workload.
  • Two TSP Workshops have been held, both very productive in driving towards key design decisions.
  • A third TSP Workshop is planned for Thursday May 4.
  • Oskar van Deventer and TNO have offered to host a Terminology Design Workshop for the TSPTF during our NA/EU meeting time on May 3. This should be an excellent lesson in developing/refining the terminology we need.

ACDC TF — Samuel Smith Phil Feairheller 

  • no update - IIW-ismation dominated.

AI & Metaverse (AIM) Technology TFWenjing Chu Vikas Malhotra 

  • Identity is dominating aspect
    • Avatar behaviour over time is a giveaway (recognizable) - 
    • Dan "biometrics" Bachenheimer - how do we meet the needs (e.g. age limits, financial txns) (have/are/know)
    • ACTION: Dan to schedule some time about how the biometrics world is looking at this.  Binding is critical - but being prescriptive/descriptive 
      • LoA - EUDI "high" 2+ of 3 factors (have/are/know)
10 minNew proposed Credential Exchange Protocol Comparison Task ForceMathieu Glaude 

Mathieu will present his proposed charter for this task force to produce a comparison guide to existing protocols for exchange of verifiable credentials. → Credential Exchange Protocol Comparison Task Force

  • decision matrix - answering "what's the best?" - for what?
  • Kudra, Torsten and Paul Bastian- did similar work on credential formats.
  • Aries, OID4VC, ISO 18013-5, and VC API communities are interested.
  • Assuming Approval:
    • ACTION: Mathieu Glaude to coordinate meeting times - considering existing meetings (including DIF perhaps). Michelle can assist here including getting a "join ToIP" link for email. 
    • ACTION: BLOG (by Friday, 2023-04-28) to get it out before EIC if desired.
    • ACTION: Daniel Bachenheimer will see if he can share internal (Accenture) analysis that is similar.
  • input from Tim - Standard Council of Canada Digital Credentials 
    • particularly for conformity.

From TAS Efforts - early draft:

Image Added

5 min
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 


  •  Sample Decision Item

Action Items

  •  Sample Action ItemACTION: Drummond Reed  to update TAS page (15APR2023 date mentioned)
  •  ACTION: Daniel Bachenheimer  to schedule some time about how the biometrics world is looking at this. 
  •  ACTION: Mathieu Glaude to coordinate meeting times - considering existing meetings (including DIF perhaps). Michelle can assist here including getting a "join ToIP" link for email. 
  •  ACTION: Mathieu Glaude  BLOG (by Friday, 2023-04-28) to get it out before EIC if desired.
  •  ACTION: Daniel Bachenheimer will see if he can share internal (Accenture) analysis that is similar.