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NA/EU Meeting


APAC Meeting


TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
5 minAnnouncementsAll

Updates of general interest to TATF members.

2 minReview of previous action itemsChairs

ToIP Technology Architecture Specification Review Topics

Discussion of progress on the working draft of the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification (TAS). Links to relevant documents and diagrams:

5 10 minsNew goal for First Public Review Draft?Drummond Reed 

Proposal to complete a First Public Review Draft — including putting a GitHub-based public comment process in place — for Fall Internet Identity Workshop, Nov 15-17..

  • This led to a discussion of the process we need to put into place for a public review using GitHub.
  • We agreed there There is a JDF contributors agreement that can apply to comments submitted via GitHub but we need to identify exactly what it is and how it is applied.
  • Kevin Dean said that this is the process they followed for public comment at GS1.
  • We agreed that we want need to make sure all comments or proposed changes goes through the necessary contribution agreement before being accepted.
  • Tim Bouma made the point that only maintainers can actually accept changes to the core spec, so they can make sure the process is followed.
  • Judith Fleenor pointed out that feedback outside of GitHub must still go be subject to the CLA.
  • DECISION: The Technology Architecture Task Force will use its best efforts to publish a First Public Review Draft of the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification by 15 November 2022 in order to begin public review at the Fall Internet Identity Workshop
  • ACTION: A "Public Review Process Group" consisting of Drummond Reed to work with  Darrell O'Donnell , Christine Martin , Judith Fleenor , Elisa Trevino, and Jory Burson to will sort out and set up propose the public review process we will use in GitHub plus any other acceptable "channels" (e.g., Google docs, email).
20 15 minsReview & prioritize TAS GitHub issuesGo

We reviewed over our TAS GitHub issues list to determine priority and assign (or resolve) issues.

  • Our current status is 28 open issues and 4 closed.
  • We reviewed the
  • four closed issues (#1 thru
  • #4) and agreed about their disposition.

For efficient resolution

, we made

of issues — and to strongly encourage asynchronous progress — we agreed to the following process proposals

  • Proposed editors
    • Drummond, Andor, Christine
  • :

    1. We will form an Editors team who will take on the job of reviewing GitHub issues and proposing when an issue is ready for closure.
      1. The following volunteered to be Editors: Wenjing Chu, Drummond Reed, Andor Kesselman, and Christine Martin. Darrell O'Donnell was not on the call but was nominated to be one of the Editors.
    2. The Editors will agree on a set of labels to prioritize issues for resolution and then apply those tags to existing and new issues.
    3. If an issue appears to require in-depth discussion and analysis, the Editors will propose a subgroup to tackle that issue and come back to the TATF with a proposed resolution.
    4. When the Editors believe there is consensus about the proposed resolution of an issue, one of the Editors will apply the label "Proposed Close" to that issue.
    5. Once that happens, a TATF member MUST object within 5 calendar days to reopen discussion of the issue.
    6. If there is no objection within 5 calendar days, the proposed resolution will be applied to the spec by one of the Editors and the issue will be closed with no further discussion.

    ACTION: Drummond Reed to post to Slack and send to the TSWG mailing list a summary of these proposals and a call for any other volunteers for the Editors team.

    ACTION: The Editors team will: 1) Document to the TSWG branch of the ToIP wiki the process for raising, discussing, and closing issues; 2) Link to that page from the landing page for the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification.

    20 25 minsDiscuss highest priority issuesAll

    Dive into the issues we have selected as highest priority.

    NOTE: The NA/EU meeting did not have time to review any issues other than the four that have already been closed.


    5 mins
    • Review decisions/action items
    • Planning for next meeting 

    Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



    • Sample Decision ItemDECISION: The Technology Architecture Task Force will use its best efforts to publish a First Public Review Draft of the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification by 15 November 2022 in order to begin public review at the Fall Internet Identity Workshop

    Action Items

    •  Sample Action Item
    •  ACTION: A "Public Review Process Group" consisting of Drummond Reed Darrell O'Donnell , Christine Martin , Judith Fleenor , Elisa Trevino, and Jory Burson will sort out and propose the public review process we will use in GitHub plus any other acceptable "channels" (e.g., Google docs, email).

      ACTION: Drummond Reed to post to Slack and send to the TSWG mailing list a summary of these proposals and a call for any other volunteers for the Editors team.


      ACTION: The Editors team will: 1) Document to the TSWG branch of the ToIP wiki the process for raising, discussing, and closing issues; 2) Link to that page from the landing page for the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification.