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  • Assign action items for next meeting
  • Establish work plan for WG deliverables and workflow guidance
  • Gather agenda suggestions for next meeting


1 minWelcomeA. Kudra
2 mins

Antitrust Policy Notice

A. Kudra
5 mins

New Introductions

A. Kudra
  • None
2 mins

Review / Approve minutes from last meeting(s) (10-Nov-202024-Nov-2020)

A. Kudra
  • Approved via consensusDelayed to next meeting due to only a few attendees
10 minsAnnouncementsA. Kudra
20 minsUtility Project Status UpdatesUtility Representatives
5 minsTask Force SOSM. Glaude
10 minsDecision PointsA. Kudra
10 minsDiscussion TopicsA. Kudra
10 minsReview Action and Open ItemsA. Kudra
10 mins


A. Kudra

Announcement Details

  •  Holiday Season Meeting Schedule 
    •  Decision: 12/22 Meeting CANCELLED; Next meeting 5-Jan-2021.

Utility Projects

  •  Bedrock
  •  IDunion
    • No updateFederal funding that has bootstrapped the competition phase has concluded. A new round for funding will be decided in mid-Dec. Alternatively, co-operative funding is being explored. 
  •  Sovrin
    • No updateIncreased transactions on MainNet and StagingNet. StagingNet is being used by the Saturn-V Aries Vendor testing efforts.
  •  Indicio
    • No updateTestNet continues to run. Working on getting MainNet up and running with 7 nodes.

UFWG APAC Interlock

  •  Meeting did not happen due to very few attendees today
  •  Vinod Panicker confirmed in prep meeting that KOB is planning a Utility, KOB seeking ways to govern Utilitiy Utility without legal entity

Task Force SOS (Scrum of Scrums)

TF NameMissionMembersStatus
UFWG deliverablesDefine and communicate to our UFWG deliverables and process. 

Drafted presentation available here

  •  What are the deliverables of the UFWG? 
  •  Who are the audience for each deliverable?
  •  What is our deliverable process?
Best Practices Task ForceAnalyze Project Interviews, establish list of Best Practices and submit each BP using ToIP Deliverables Process.
  •  (In progress) Drafting framework for evaluating public identity utilities
  •  (In progress) Drafting v1 of three BP documents (based on feedback from interviews with decentralized identity utility PIU conveners/providers)
    •  BP0011 - Assessing Sustainability of a PIU
    •  BP0012 - Determining Affordability of a PIU
    •  BP0013 - Assessing Alignment to a PIU
  •  At future point, consider consolidating all best practices into one comprehensive document
Decentralization Task Force

Submit a BP deliverable and a design principle for what it means to be Decentralized. 

Jessica Townsend  (lead) 

  •  What are the key attributes of a Decentralized Utility?
  •  Should we consider / review the W3C DID Decentralization Rubric
    •  Consider their dimensions for evaluation

Lead decided in Oct-27 meeting, added in Nov-10 meeting

Glossary Task ForceGenerate a UFWG Glossary in collaboration with the CTWG.RJ Reiser (lead) Lead added in Oct-27 meeting


  •  Pull Request  #24 Merge / Reject Decision
    •  KOB Project: Ecosystem v. Utility Project
      •  Decision is to update PR with Convene Phase reqs: Complete See Issue #27
      •  Send memo to CanaCred and KOB to demonstrate Convene status; Requesting representation in UFWG: Complete
    •  Decision: KOB and CanaCred utilities will be unlisted until criteria is resolved. 

Discussion Topics

  •  None

Action items
