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Table of Contents


The mission of  the TSWG Technology Architecture Task Technology Architecture Task Force (TATF) is a task force of the ToIP Technology Stack Working Group. The mission of the TATF is to draft a ToIP specification the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification that defines the overall technical requirements for the four layers of the ToIP stack. This TF will be specifically focused on adapting the original public document defining the ToIP stack.  Note: this specification is intended to serve as a direct a counterpart to the ToIP Governance Architecture Specification deliverable from the GSWG Governance Architecture TF. (The full set of first-generation ToIP Governance Stack specification specifications are described in this ToIP blog post.)


#1: ToIP Technology Architecture Specification

The primary deliverable of this Task Force is the ToIP Technical Architecture Specification—a specification of the overall architectural requirements for each of the four layers of the ToIP stack and how they are each is abstracted from the layer below. It is anticipated that The requirements in this specification will lay the overarching foundation for one or more subsequent ToIP specifications that will specify protocols and interoperability requirements for each layer.

Note: this deliverable is initially being drafted using a Google doc to simplify collaboration. By the end of June 2022, the Task Force will be converting it into a Markdown document in the ToIP TechArch GitHub repo.

#2: ToIP Interoperability Test Cases

A second deliverable of this Task Force is ToIP Interoperability Test Cases (also initially being drafted as a Google doc). This is intended to evolve into the overall specification for the test cases that can be implemented by a commercial-grade test harness.

#3: ToIP Technology Introduction for Policymakers

guide the selection and/or development of a set of component specifications as required to enable the complete four layer stack. See the Evolution of the ToIP Stack for a full backgrounder on the development stages for the ToIP stack.

#2: ToIP Primer for Policymakers

A second A third deliverable of this Task Force is a document written explicitly for policymakers, governing authorities, analysts, and other non-technical audiences who need to deeply understand the purpose, uses, and implications of the ToIP stack but do not need (or want) to dive into the technical details. Work on this document has not yet commenced, but a link will be added here as soon as it has. 



Please add your name to this list if you wish to be a lead:

  • Darrell O'Donnell, Continuum Loop
  • Drummond Reed,  EvernymGen
  • Wenjing Chu, Futurewei

Membership and Joining

Prior to participating in the meetings please ensure that you are a member of the Trust Over IP Foundation. Contributor level membership is available to anyone at no cost. Details can be found at this link.

To join this TF, add your name to this list:


Meeting Schedule


and Notes

Starting in 2023, this This TF currently holds two meetings on Thursday every week (see past Meeting Notes on the Meeting Page):


one meeting every four weeks on Wednesdays at 08:00-09:00 PT /




17:00 UTC


. Please check the ToIP Calendar for current times and Zoom links for these meetings. (Note that in the other three weeks, this same time slot is used for TSWG plenary meetings and other TSWG task force meetings.)

Meeting Notes, including Zoom recordings, are kept for every meeting — see the Meeting Page for an index.

Meetings agendas are also announced on the ToIP Meetings are announced on the ToIP Slack channel #tswg-tech-arch-tf. Please join us there.


The first major milestone of the Task Force is to publish publication of the first public review draft of the ToIP Technical Architecture Specification ToIP Technical Architecture V1.0 Specification prior to the Hyperledger Global Forum 2022 conference in Dublin, Ireland on September 12-14Fall Internet Identity Workshop, Nov 15-17, 2022.

The next milestones are the publication of the second public review draft (and, if necessary, a third), followed by the publication of the final 1.0 specification.

Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Patent, Source Code)

As a Task Force (TF) of the Technical Technology Stack WG (TSWG), the TATF inherits inherits the IPR terms from the TSWG JDF Charter. These include:

Mailing List and Communications

This task force uses the following for communications
