
Samuel Smith 

Kevin Griffin

Phil Feairheller 

Kent Bull 

Henk van Cann 

Jason Colburne 

Lance Byrd 

Click here for → Meeting Recording


  • Announcements
    • W3C WI re-proposal 3/15 please support the work
    • KERI gone to 1.0 PyPi release upcoming.
    • ToIP TF trust spanning layer work continues (includes KERI/ACDC)
    • P256 support being added to keripy/cesride
    • ToIP Datamodelling and representation
    • Roots ID vLEI credentials received from Provenant!
    • KASLCred - saidifies a map of schema
    • RootsID working on a hands on education "notebook" for SSI including KERI/ACDC

  • Discussion Items
    • Do we want to go to 1.0 for ACDC
    • Informal page within the repo "scrapbook"
      • summarize minor changes
      • markdown file within the IETF Draft ACDC repo
      • date | item
    • Milestones for ACDC/1.0
      • do we have any open github issues?
      • formaly publish a draft spec with IETF
      • ACDC went to production via KERIpy
    • Update ACDC readme to point to KERIpy 1.0
      • submission to IETF update the verion and IETF will pick it up
      • Kevin Griffin will look at GitHub issues

Graduated disclosure

  • Minimum disclosure first
  • only disclose what you need to further the transaction
  • progression of least disclosures
    • progress next disclosure or stops
  • disclosure transactions can provide protections, such as terms of disclosure/contractual obligations to minimize risk
    • "Chain-Link Confidentiality" paper by Woodrow Hartzog is a seminal work on the topic.
    • Woodrow Hartzog is one of the major legal privacy rights legal minds in this space.
    • legally we can protect privacy in terms of "data rights"
    • current vLEI implementation only has usage in the rules section
    • compact disclosure
      • disclose a hash of the data that can be used later to verify the data
    • partial disclosure
      • not disclosing everything you could disclose
      • disclosure hash/schema
    • selective disclosure
    • full disclosure would be the final step in graduated disclosure
  • Public ACDCs have no UUID
  • Private ACDCs have a UUID (salty nonce with sufficient entropy it can't be guessed) which means that you can selectively/partially disclose sections and the data you're disclosing cannot be guessed.
  • Continue from section five
  • No labels