
Samuel Smith 

Kevin Griffin 

Phil Feairheller 

Rodolfo Miranda 

Neil Thomson 

Joseph Lee Hunsaker 

P A Subrahmanyam 

Mark Scott 

Steven Milstein

Daniel Hardman

Vikas Malhotra 

Lance Byrd 

Randy Warshaw 

Click here for → Zoom meeting Sept 13 2022


IPEX Presentation - Sam Smith

  • Difference between issuance and disclosure.  With issuance, the issuer is signing the data and "putting their name behind" the data.
    • ACDCs are called "data containers" because they are not always entitlements or authorizations.  ACDCs are more general than credentials
      • This includes data attestations.
    • Issuance Exchange is defined as special case where the Discloser is the Issuer or the Origin ACDC
    • W3C definitions are not precise enough including the use of Subject in every credential
  • Only one "origin vertex" in a disclosure chain.  Calling this "Append-to-Extend".
    • No need to modify schema with custom fields.  Just extend to a new bespoke ACDC.  Eliminates vendor registries for namespaces.
  • How do you provide proof of issuance
    • Issuance is proven by signing the SAID of the most compact version of the ACDC
  • Compact Version of credentials - When a given field includes the SAID of the block instead of the full block.
  • Issuer gets to decide the level of disclosure of the ACDC they are issuing by controlling the composability of the schema.
  • ACDCs are analogous to Merkle Trees
    • Verification by verifying the signature on the root hash (SAID of most compact ACDC) and verifying the hashes down the DAG made up of the SAIDs of all the components
    • Allows all the variants to be disclosed and the proof still works.
  • Why Proof-of-Disclosure?  
    • It is essential to "contractually protected disclosure".  
    • Engaged in a "bid-ask" exchange by signing what you are going to disclose, signing an agreement to contractual obligations then signing the final disclosure.
  • No labels