Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Phil Feairheller 

Samuel Smith 

Rodolfo Miranda 

Lance Byrd 

Alex Andrei 

Henk van Cann 

Nuttawut Kongsuwan 

Michael Palage 

Petteri Stenius 

Steven Milstein 

Neil Thomson 

Ruth Choueka 

Kevin Griffin 

Amine Ben Mansour 

@Cole Davis

Trent Larson 

@Edyta Pawlak

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members: None
5 minsReview of action items from the previous meetingChairs
  • Health check PR raised in KERIA following up from last meeting
5 minsAnnouncementsTF Leads

News or events of interest to members:

  • IIW is less than a month away
  • Sam meeting with authors of ETSI report for EIDAS.  Covered selective disclosure mechanisms of ACDC, will be covered in next version of report
  • Discord Server now available.  Link available in Slack #general channel and KERI GitHub README page.
5 mins


  • IPEX state machine for ACDC in KERIpy Phil Feairheller fixed some technical debt. Protocol handlers will verify messages as they came in. Similar to reply messages. EXN with IPEX routes.
    • All messages are digest chained so that can anchor final message in exchange. Added the prior SAID p  field.
    • Same state machine for both Issuance and Presentation
  • Specifications - Kevin Griffin is creating branches against the spec, KERI specifically.  PRs coming into the branches for revised format.  
  • signify-ts
    • Multisig script implementation now in to match KERIA
    • Refactor PR under review right now
  • did:webs
    • About to be accepted as new Task Force, hopefully this Friday
    • Hyperledger Labs Repo now available
  • Broken link checker in KERISSE
    • All the way from 900 broken links down to 1
    • Terms updates by matching with database of term information
  • Keys At The Edge - KATE!
25 minsDiscussionOpen
  • Henk:  Discuss transition to Discord.
    • Proposal to make Slack KERI group private.  
    • Send message to existing users, explain the approach to Slack and the move to Discord
    • Invite users to Discord.
    • After some time, de-activate users in Slack to reduce the member base to an acceptable level
    • Sign up for Pro version to scrape and capture the history.
  • Petteri: PRF Extension to FiDO
  • Charles Lanahan:  Missing Terms Trivia
    • iurl, curl, durl meaning - Get definitions in KERISEE
    • Semantic meanings behind naming in KERIpy.   For example Doer, Habery, etc.
  • Nuttawut Konsuwan: did:webs Discussion and the did.(keri, oobi, kel) "file" / "resource"
    • 3 functions happening:
      • Mapping from did:webs DID to url to get DID Doc
      • Mapping from did:webs DID to url to get KERI information (KELs, TELs, ACDCs, RPYs)
        • This URL can be implemented in any way needed to provide a stream of CESR bits
      • Implementations can provide versions of DID Doc based on query parameters.  
    • The mime type will have to be "application/cesr" to indicate that it is a stream response.
      • We should register this mime type with IANA
5 minsAny other businessOpenNone
5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for the next meeting 
  • Update README in GitHub KERI to replace Slack link with Discord link. - Henk van Cann 
  • No labels