
Samuel Smith

Lance Byrd 

Joseph Lee Hunsaker 

Henk van Cann 
Phil Feairheller 
Kent Bull 
Kevin Griffin 
Neil Thomson 
Rodolfo Miranda 
P Subrahmanyam

Click here for → Zoom meeting Aug 16 2022


  • Announcements
  • Items
    • w3c Authorized Issuer Lists
      • Thread on CCG list Manu Sporny create a list of authorized issuers Vested Authoritarian Sources
      • Why Not Trust Registries ToIP
      • ACDCs WebOfTrust RootOfTrust
        • Trust Anchors as the basis for the Web of Trust as a reputation system
        • vLEI GLEIF Governance
        • Canadian Standards Assoc (CSA)
          • Goverance Organization vetting ,  Trust Anchor
          • provenance
        • Consumer Reports 
    • New Auth Credential for vLEIs
      • GLEIF Root delegates GLEIF Ext AID. GLEIF Ext AID issues to QVI, QVI issues to LE, LE issues to QVI Auth to issue OOR, QVI Issues OOR to Person
      • Enforcement ex post facto via audit vs. upfront verifiability (audit free enforcement)
      • Replace manual authorization with ACDC role auth credential
      • Less Work
        • requirement in schema
        • minimizes impact Ghost Credentials  (LE can revoke the auth credential which breaks the chain independent of action by the QVI to revoke)
        • Reduces trust transaction costs
      • AID contained and Role name
    • IPEX Specification
    • End State for Internet Security
      • Zero-Trust Architecture where every data item of import is signed in motion and at rest. Where signature is against an AID (autonomic ID)
      • Web of TRust on top
  • No labels