
Samuel Smith

Kevin Griffin

Phil Feairheller

Kevin Dean

arthur greef

Henk van Cann

Robert Mitwicki

Click here for → Zoom Meeting January 31 2022


  • Update on Repo setup IETF for draft spec (Drummond Reed)
    • IETF directed project or task force within ToIP uses IETF format template for spec
    • What about W3C. Approach is to have interoperability profile of IETF/TOIP ACDC and VC v2 Big Tent
    • Brent Zundel who is the Chair of w3c VC spec 2 intent is to big tent
  • Make assignments for section to write
  • Arthur Cardano Goals
    • IOG Cardano Circular Economy Ecosysm (Input Output Global) Own the Prism SDK write software for Cardano
    • Prism SDK uses Merkle Tree for Identity store on Cardano
  • Ricardian Contracts in Issuance and Presentation Exchange
  • Compact and Confidential Credentials
  • Conditional Schema for SAID and Data validation
  • No labels