Versions Compared


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Guiding Goal: A deeper dive into decentralized governance.

  • Welcome (Paul—2.5 mins)
  • Newcomer Introductions (WG2.5 mins)
  • Task Force Updates (WG5 mins)
  • Applying codified human readable and executable contracts for Digital Economy Governance (Neil—10 mins)
    • There appears to be a (rough draft) layer model for Governance (from bottom-up)
      • Atomic actions and behaviours

      • Jurisdiction

        • Composite - packaging of those atomic level behaviours into human recognisable constraints (e.g., do not track me) and there precise meaning in that jurisdiction

        • Level of enforcement - what constraints are mandatory and optional (and their default)

      • Application - Refinement by application by jurisdiction on the application specifics (and defaults) for optional constraints

      • Consent - user/subject selection of what constraints they agree to (and personalise (e.g., I only consent to sharing data with company D, F and Q)

    • There also appears to be a provenance/traceability "stack" that needs to become concrete

      • Governance principles (e.g. GDPR, PIPEDA, CPRA)

      • Legislation - jurisdiction interpretation of governance principles

      • Technology description/translation of the legislation of the atomic and composite governance

        • Human readable

        • Machine readable

      • Creation of focused simple, understandable consent at the "composite" level (e.g., "do not track")

    • Image Modified
  • Centre(s) for Decentralised Law (#DecentLaw): CommonAccord, OpenTrustFabric, ProseObjects, GitForLaw (Jim Hazard—20 mins)



      • This


      • just popped up from


      •  a solid lawyer group


Meeting Notes

Participants (Name / Location / Time zone / Affiliation):
