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NA/EU Meeting


TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
5 minAnnouncementsAllUpdates of general interest to TATF members.
2 minReview of previous action itemsChairs


The following agenda items all focus on progress on the working draft of the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification:

5 minsSection 5: Use CasesNeil Thomson 

Per the note in the spec:

The content for this section has been temporarily moved to another Google doc: ToIP Use Case Candidates and Catalog. Content for that document is now being curated by the ToIP Ecosystem Foundry Working Group (EFWG). They are developing a catalog of use cases which with then be used to produce: a) a final one-page table of use cases to be included in this section, and b) a small set of fully fleshed-out use cases (written in greater detail) to be published in a new EFWG deliverable called Canonical Use Cases for ToIP.

  • Neil explained that the Ecosystem Foundry WG is stewarding the collection of use cases, but that all ToIP WGs and members are invited to contribute.
  • The intent is that you put in a candidate use case by adding a role to the table.
  • There is a new row in the table for how the use case is distinguished from the others.
  • Allan Thomson wanted to make sure there was a clear way to resolve questions or disagreements about whether a use case is validly in scope for the ToIP architecture.
  • Drummond Reed clarified that a representative list selected by us (the TATF) and curated by us and brought back into our document.
  • The Ecosystem Foundry WG are also doing separate work on use cases and have their own use case template. They are also planning to produce a separate deliverable consisting of 3-4 use cases that are fully documented and can be referenced by other ToIP deliverables.
10 minsSection 6: Reference Architecture Overview

LAST CALL: Resolve any final questions or comments about this section.

25 minsSection 7: Endpoint Systems and the Layered Stack

Key topics:

  • Formatting for requirement statements.
  • Defined terms.
  • 7.2: Proposal to use the term "Trust Support Functions".
  • 7.3: Proposal to use the term "Trust Spanning protocol".
  • Many other comments.
5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

Plan for the coming week:

  • Drummond Reed to fly to San Jose on Monday morning to meet in person with Wenjing Chu and Allan Thomson for two afternoon writing sessions to "push through" the rest of the spec.
  • The goal is to see if we can come as close as possible to consensus on the text, diagrams, terms, and requirements statements in the remaining sections.
  • The proposed revisions will be posted by next Wednesday for review on next Thursday's call.
  • At that point, hopefully we will be ready to convert all the remaining sections to Markdown in our GitHub repo and transition to working all remaining issues via GitHub issues and revisions via pull requests.
  • Drummond will be on vacation from July 28 through Aug 7, so he will miss the next two meetings. (He will be back for the Aug 11, 18, and 25 meetings.)
  • A proposed goal is to send out a Call for Community Review to the ToIP All-Member mailing list after our Aug 11 meeting to get a few weeks of ToIP community review.
  • By the end of August we should have the Public Review Draft ready to announce/present at the ToIP Mini-Summit in Dublin on Sept 14.
