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The purpose of the Authentic Chained Data Container (ACDC) Task Force  is is to help draft a TSS (ToIP Standard Specification) that defines and incubate a family of IETF-focused specifications that define the standard requirements for the semantics of Authentic Provenance Chaining of Authentic Chained Data Containers. This The semantics of ACDCs include both source provenance and authorization provenance or delegation.  The hypothesis is that the W3C Verifiable Credential standard may be expanded to serve as an Authentic Data Container (ADC) and that the semantics of a VC may be expanded to support an with authentic provenance chains (APC) as a super semantic. This may be further expanded to support both a source provenance sub-semantic and a delegated authorization sub-semantic. These are all encapsulated into the semantics with the supporting syntax of an ACDC.


The table below lists all deliverables of the ACDC Task Force:

  1. ACDC TSS—a specification of Authentic Chained Data Containers. The original Pre-Draft Deliverable is here (PDF). A set of slides with diagrams from the white paper may be found here  Slides. This will be superseded by a wiki page draft. 
AcronymFull Name of DeliverableDeliverable TypeLink to
Draft Deliverable
Lead AuthorsStatus/Notes
KERIKey Event Receipt InfrastructureSpecification SmithActive Draft
ACDCAuthentic Chained Data ContainerSpecification

Active Draft
CESRComposable Event Streaming RepresentationSpecification SmithActive Draft
SAIDSelf-Addressing IdentifiersSpecificationMerged to CESR
CESR ProofCESR Proof SignaturesSpecificationPending mergeActive Draft
PTELPublic Transaction Event LogSpecificationMerged ACDC
IPEXIssuance and Presentation Exchange protocolSpecificationMerged ACDC

OOBIOut-Of-Band-Introduction protocolSpecificationMerged to KERI
VC-ACDCSecuring Verifiable Credentials using Authentic Chained Data Containers.SpecificationUnofficial draftActive Draft


Please add your name to this list if you wish to be a chair:

2022 - Members

Please add your name to this list in any desired role:

Meeting Schedule

The ACDC TF currently holds a meeting weekly on Tuesdays:

  • NA/EU: 10:00-11:00 EST / 14:00-15:00 UTC 

For all authoritative meeting logistics and Zoom links, please see the ToIP Calendar.

tpsThis TF schedules meetings as needed. Each meeting will be announced on the T mailing list and the TSWG  Slack channel. Currently, we are meeting every other week on Mondays, at 9 am US Mountain time, 1700 Central European Time, at

See the latest documentation in the GitHub Repo here:


Key milestones will include, but are not limited to:

Task List

This table tracks active tasks assigned to the TF members.


Meeting Agendas and Notes

All meeting agendas and notes are recorded on the ACDC Meeting Page.




Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Patent, Source Code)

As a Task a Task Force (TF) of the Technology the Technology Stack WG (TSWG), the ACDC TF inherits inherits the IPR terms from the the TSWG JDF Charter. These include:

  • The ACDC TF is not expected to produce source code.


This task force uses the following for communications

  • Mailing List: This TF is preparing to set up its own mailing list. Watch this page for details.
  • Slack: This TF has its own dedicated Slack channel: #tswg-acdc-tf
  • Github: This TF will use GitHub issues for substantive conversations on topics, not Slack. This way the conversation is source controlled.

Specification Generation

This task force uses the following for communicationsSpecifications use the IETF draft format but may use the following:

  • Markdown: Draft portions spec written in Markdown
  • SpecUP: Final version of spec processed with SpecUp

Agenda Minutes


Data Item Model

Data Mesh Meetup


MKDocs GitHub


Use Cases

This table lists the starting set of use cases motivating the ACDC work.

GLEIF use case


Delegation chain separate from identity chain

hiding part of the chain

privacy in both direction walking back up to the root and privacy walking down from the  root


Followup on getting repo setup in MkDocs

Use Cases Selected:

Supply Chain (Mitwicki)

GLEIF (Smith and Reed)

Delegation (Hardman)

Data Source Provenance (Hardman and Smith)

IoT  (Hardjono)

Next task

Create proposals for chaining semantics with syntax.  (assume Verifiable Credential Based)

Express each use case in each chaining proposal.

Iterate on proposals.

Open Question:

Syntax should at least support Trees and DAGs  (Directed Acyclic Graphs) not merely linear chain

Should syntax also support cyclical graphs.


Finalize choice of MkDocs vs SpecUp: Decided on MKDocs:

   Action Item: Sam work with TOIP to setup GitHub repo with MkDocs

EiDas Links: (See 2021-02-01)  Robert Mitwicki.  Discussion of SSI etc in EiDAS

Relation to Legal Framework for Digital Signatures




       Advanced Electronic Signature  Qualified Electronic Signature  Notaries  with Certificate = Handwrittern Signature

Review Use Cases:

Semantic Containers: Pauls Knowles Semantic Container.  Nested Forms. Consent.

Distinguish between different types of containers as part of specification for ACDC


Action Item Robert Mitwicki add information on EIDAS  regulation  allows for linking.

Discussed CCG Meeting on ZCap vs VC Authorization

Discussed Use Cases  

MkDocs vs Spec Up  (Tables?)

Action Item Sam review and present at next meeting


Use Case Summaries

GLEIF vLEI  (Sam Smith ProSapien)

Supply Chain (Robert Mitwiki Human Colossus )

Global ID for life (IdNum - Robert) 



Supply Chain use caseSupply chain refers to the overall concept behind the flow of any type of goods and services.
Delegation use case (analog to ZCap usage)A car rental company delegates driving privileges for car X to Alice. Alice delegates to the attendant at valet parking.
Data graph with verificationBoarding a plane for international travel


Authorizations for Encrypted Backups (Charles Cunningham Eugeniu Rusu Jolocom)

Guardianship Chain of Credentials (Evernym  Daniel and Drummond)

Delegating Access to Rented Car (Evernym)

Provenancing Inherited Attributes (Daniel Hardman Evernym ProSapien)

Delegation of Certification Authority PKI Certificate Like Chaining  (Ned Smith Intel)

Object Capabilities Like Authorizations (See authorizations for encrypted backups) 

Critical Supply Chain Provenancing (Carsten Stoecker Spherity)

Open Accredited Market Participation Energy Market  (Jolocom

Provenance Virtuous Supply Chains Conscious Consumers Demand Pull  

Data Supply Chain Provenance

Data Supply Chain Consent Provenance Consented Data Privacy  (Samuel Smith ProSapien)

Content Distrubution Networks (copyright, acknowledgement, usage, attribution)  (Thomas Hardjano MIT)

IoT Onboarding Devices (Ned Smith Intel, Thomas Hardjano MIT)

Attestation Chaining


Pure data provenanceCiting sources


Representing business processes/entity lifecycles with SSI - Representing Lifecycles of Entities using States + SSI.pdf

Attribution Chaining Semantic Super Semantic

     Secure Attribution of statement to controller of a decentralized identifier

     A securely attributed chaining statement links two securely attributed statements together

     A chaining statement is a special case statement whose semantics are to securely linked by attribution.

     This chaining may be applied recursively.

     The chained statements that are not chaining statements may convey sub-semantics such as authorization, delegation, attestation, provenance, etc.

     Attribution Verification Types:  Nonrepudiable Signatures. ZKPs. Anonymized Data.

Certificate Result Certification 

    Certifying the result of a decision  

    Verifiable Algorithm
