
See ToIP calendar for cancellations, etc.

did:webs Task Force
10:00 – 11:00am ET
Weekly on Friday, until Dec 22, 2024


Meeting Recording Link


Lance Byrd 

Charles Lanahan 

Stephen Curran 

Drummond Reed 

Henk van Cann 

Darrell O'Donnell 

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
5 minsReview of action items from previous meetingChairs
5 minsAnnouncementsTF Leads

Tech stack WG has a new mailing list for the new charter. This is part of the acceptance of the new IP, etc. Open Web Foundation licensing.

5 mins


25 minsDiscussionOpen

We discussed how the tree of possibilities in KERI can't cloud the simplest steps. And so the spec needs to be very clear about what is optional/additional and needs to logically build in a way that makes it obvious to the reader where they can stop for their use case.

Catchup on final changes status:

  • What needs to be completed to enter the public review process?
    • All public review changes should be well documented so that they can watch the process
      • Normative vs Informative information in the spec is important prior to release
        • Work backwards from the normative statements. Triage informative to minimum.
          • If you start with these bones it's easier to hang all of the minimal informative information and move everything else outside of the spec.
        • Informative that isn't needed in the spec
          • Appendix
          • Implementation guide
          • Explain why in a separate paper

Breakdown by section:

See the ToIP template, might have ISO influence

  • Normative
    • Core Characteristics - 'This section is normative' (see examples in other specs)
      • Method Name
        • 'webs' SHOULD is a normative but for an informative
      • Method-Specific  Identifer ABNF is Normative, see DID core spec
        • KERI AID paragraph contains informative statements, which is the opposite of the previous Normative section. Good 
          • Should some of those statement be Normative?
          • And if they are altered to be Normative, should it be referencing the normative info in the KERI s pecs?
    • Breakdown normative into addressable numbered sections that provide the rules to build from.
    • You cannot include a non-Normative reference in W3C
      • if SCID has to be AID, then AID must be normative.... so perhaps specify a SCID... bare minimum is preferred.
  • Informative
    • Abstract (shouldn't be numbered)... it is simply informative
    • Introduction
      • This is a specific section currently, but probably should become all of the informative information at the front of the spec
    • Requirements, Notation, and Conventions
    • Informative inside normative should be boxed... but only if it helps devs etc make a decision
    • Use examples at the start of these informative sections
  • Todos and missing information sections need to be addressed today
  • Reivew current state of hyperledger-labs did:webs reference implementation 
  • Open PRs and Issues
5 minsAny other businessOpen

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
  •  Lance Byrd will follow up with Sam about IANA registration and document it for us
  • No labels