Meeting Link / Recording


Lance Byrd 

Stephen Curran 

Markus Sabadello 

Samuel Smith 

Daniel Hardman 

Alex Andrei 

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
5 minsReview of action items from previous meetingChairs
  • Markus Sabadello will move Phil hackmd comments to the Github repo as issues or discussions
  • Daniel Hardman will donate his dh1128 repo if ToIP will allow.... all commits are signed
  • Lance Byrd will provide an outline of how to use a TEL to verify the signature document
5 minsAnnouncementsTF Leads

News or events of interest to members:

5 mins


  • Lots of progress/conversation, issues, PRs in github and slack
25 minsDiscussionOpen
5 minsAny other businessOpen

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
  • Consider pros/cons and strategy for where reference implementations live
  • Lance Byrd will start an ACDC PR to the spec that describes signing
  • No labels