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TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
5 minsReview of action items from previous meetingChairs
  •  Consider pros/cons and strategy for where reference implementations live
  •  Lance Byrd will start an ACDC PR to the spec that describes signing
    •  Lance Byrd will provide an outline of how to use a TEL to verify the signature document
  •  Daniel Hardman will donate his dh1128 repo if ToIP will allow.... all commits are signed
5 minsAnnouncementsTF Leads

News or events of interest to members:

5 mins


25 minsDiscussionOpen
  • Is a secure did:web spec adoptable, without additional features? Or do we require NEW features like whois, signed files.... if so, can we agree on what else is required?
    • The default should be secure?
      • Verbose solution, Appraisable Security Level API: The spec swells in order to detail multiple 'levels' of security in order to accomodate both familiar and secure mechanisms.
        • Bare JWS provides file integrity, but not authenticity
        • Best-available-data RUN is only acceptable for discovery information, file integrity and monotonically increasing (date)
        • KEL anchors for integrity and authenticity
      • Hybrid solution: You can't publish the JWS without anchoring in a KEL first?
      • Or perhaps, anything not secured by KERI is not did:webs, it is did:web?
        • whois and JWS could be a PR to did:web and the ACDC anchored signature is did:webs?
      • Note: discovery information (less security needed, Best-available-data )... a level of replay attack information, but can be DDOS attacked.
  • Daniel Hardman suggested last week that we explore the 'notion that did:web can borrow the view of did:webs" during our discussion about using JWS vs. ACDC.
    • Bright line rule: Should the core of did:webs be the more familiar but less secure options, like JWS? Or should those be extensions to the did:webs spec? 
  • Markus Sabadello will lead us in discussing did:webs + did:keri.
    • Activity this past week
      • Stephen Curran reviewed the newly added did doc section information
      • alsoKnownAs vs equivalentId
      • whois
      • weighted threshold multi-sig
      • SSL/TLS common name
    • Activity this past week
      • Signed Files
      • Whois
        • VCs + JWS vs. Service Endpoint
5 minsAny other businessOpen

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
