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BGBU Task Force USA/EU TF Meeting

15.00 UTC = 8:00 PT = 17:00 CET = 20:30 IST      Zoom Meeting Link 




5 min
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

10minsIntro's new members & UpdatesAll

Links & References:

5 minsUpdate on Actions from Previous MeetingsAll
  •  ACTION - Darrell to clone storyline format (from Drummond)
  •  ACTION - ALL to review background links (on Purpose page under Links & Files)
  •  ACTION - Persona Development
  •  ACTION - reach out to others to join or be an 'expert witness'
10 mins

Discussion on items raised in Slack & APAC meeting

5 minsClose & AOBNicky

2022-03-17  SSI Harms APAC TF Meeting

6.00 UTC = 22:00 PT = 7:00 CET = 10:30 IST = 17:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link  Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179


5 min
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

10minsIntro's new members & UpdatesAll

5 minsUpdate on Actions from Previous MeetingsAll
  •  ACTION - Darrell to clone storyline format (from Drummond)
  •  ACTION - ALL to review background links (on Purpose page under Links & Files)
  •  ACTION - Persona Development
  •  ACTION - reach out to others to join or be an 'expert witness'
  •  Nicky setting up APAC call time
  •  Nicky set 2 week cadence at this time
10minsReview HXWG progressAll

  - APAC Group to consider speakers.  e.g. This is the group that we're connected to through our work with Swinburne University a few years ago:

10 mins

Discussion on items raised in Slack & APAC meeting

  • Name change of group to 'Balancing the Good, The Bad & The Ugly' This has been posted on linked in, at an earlier time slot, so to be resolved for next meeting cycle.
  • Use of Persona: What format - storytelling not descriptions, Who?

1) Group of indigenous people - Pyrou Chung

Eric - could be related to Family Unit below

2) Family unit: (Phil) A family where the notions of family aren't modeled where they live or travel. A polyamorous truple with kids and the six grand-parents. (intergenerational, doesn't conform to norms of marriage, complex guardianship) - West Africa polygamous families.

Eric:  Clans or groups in S Asia, 7 or 8 houses clustered together, kinship group.  Variations on a theme - depends on kinship structures.  Insight, many grandparents don't know their own age.  

Eric has found potential collaborators / folks on the ground who are able to help us build grounded persona

  • Suggests we need to consider culture and religion & kinship structures - ie not nuclear families.  Cultural identity is the basis - 'everyone's a cousin'.

3) Children


Outline Storyboard is here:

  • Consider differences in family structures as a way of framing some of the issues in Harms, problem of nuclear family.  "A california family is now the way your phone thinks & works!"
  • Explain forms of kinship (Nicky Hickmanto find anthropology notes)
  • Centralised control model RBAC, harm we're identifying - if we assume about the nature of the relationship due to names or blood, then we can cause harm.  EG domestic abuse in marriage.

Example from Eric - Living near a safe house for IDP (underground railroad) in west of Thailand (Korim) - He has all his papers and can move freely, he is becoming stateless so that he can get back into the camp in order to care for his elderly parents, familial obligations - giving up his legal identity to fulfill his duties.  Corruptions in guards, violence associated with money and being able to leave the camp to work.  Too strong an  identity would prevent this.  Harm of centralized model with biometrics = he is 'owned by the state' - can't remove yourself from the system.

John: This is the group that we're connected to through our work with Swinburne University a few years ago:

Eric: another group that is local to me, which may be helpful in identifying unique harms/risks is: - their current director just graduated from law school and is one of their first students especially looking at stateless children.

5 minsClose & AOBNicky
  •  John Phillips to ask if they have any kind of framework for assessing interaction harms
  •  Nicky Hickman to get kinship structures / forms from anthropology notes
  •  Eric Weltonto discuss domicile law and issues related to documentation and also on biometrics work next time.  Bound carefully with exam question.  Close during that session.

2022-03-14 SSI Harms TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 8:00 PT = 17:00 CET = 20:30 IST      Zoom Meeting Link


5 min
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

10minsIntro's new members & UpdatesAll

Name change of group to 'Balancing the Good, The Bad & The Ugly' This has been posted on linked in, at an earlier time slot, so to be resolved for next meeting cycle.

Christine Martin - work with Darrell at Continuum Loop.  EA and topic of interest.

5 minsUpdate on Actions from Previous MeetingsAll
  •  ACTION - Darrell to clone storyline format (from Drummond)
  •  ACTION - ALL to review background links (on Purpose page under Links & Files)

Observation: Sometimes the drive to design solutions for crisis situations, e.g. Ukranian Refugees can itself lead to unittended harms or consequences because of speed & emotion.

  •  ACTION - Persona Development
  •  ACTION - reach out to others to join or be an 'expert witness'
  •  Nicky setting up APAC call time
  •  Nicky set 2 week cadence at this time
10 mins

Discussion on items raised in Slack & APAC meeting

  • Use of Persona: What format - storytelling not descriptions, Who?  John & Jo may guide us on format and structure to be story based and then qualified with folks on the ground via Pyrou and Eric.
  • Example Persona for Yoma

3) Children:  (Sankarshan) The topic of harms around minors in context of travel came about when we were noodling on the GHP Travel related recommendations. As in - whether adoption of SSI based patterns will inadvertently enable harms to be easier, higher primarily because of weak adoption of guardianship and identifier best practices. 

1) Group of indigenous people - Pyrou Chung

2) Family unit: (Phil) A family where the notions of family aren't modeled where they live or travel. A polyamorous truple with kids and the six grand-parents. (intergenerational, doesn't conform to norms of marriage, complex guardianship) - West Africa polygamous families.

Eric:  Clans or groups in S Asia, 7 or 8 houses clustered together, kinship group.  Variations on a theme - depends on kinship structures.  Insight, many grandparents don't know their own age.  

See lessons from Aadhar.  Main challenge is inability to understand how the design of the system was successful or failed, also depends on adoption, enforcement, liabilities.  EG Financial crimes are better handled through stronger regulation and enforcement.

Currently a reputational issue for SSI because of misunderstandings and perceptions.

Raises common issues such as governance and its enforcement in decentralized systems and the rights/human dignity issues.

Danger is that we create an inventory of risks with mitigations, but could be counter-productive, but in long run we need to design better ways of representing living entities in digital formats.   Is there a need to uniquely identify humans, personhood.  Is it possible to do so without being political?

Must nevertheless start somewhere and narrow scope.  Use persona as test bed to check our thinking. 

Start with one persona and encourage others to build their own and engage this way.  Perhaps children as easy for all to relate to and understand.

Groups to consider: Those that are biometrically impaired, 

  • Name of the group - BGBU - use of word Harms
  • Risk assessment
  • Feedback from links /  discussion points?

Outline Storyboard is here:

5 minsClose & AOBNicky

2022-03-03  SSI Harms APAC TF Meeting

6.00 UTC = 22:00 PT = 7:00 CET = 10:30 IST = 17:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand 


5 min
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.


Sankarshan - India, returning to ToIP following work absence, SSI Harms - harms created by solutionism and poor understanding, need to work through this topic to address

Eric Welton - Thailand south of Myanmar border, been looking at SSI Harms for 5-6 years, because bulk of tech driven by heavily digitised communities (EU, USA) with civil liberties basis, but not the reality in countries like e.g. China, has SSI components but very centralised.  Forcing view without asking people if they want to for example be financially included.  No engagement, combined with new surveillance capabilities, many harms can arise, e.g. camera's.    At the precipice of getting things done right or wrong.

Pyrou Chung - Thailand Director at East West Mgt - Open Dev Initiative - focus on data governance meets tech meets human rights, one main focus related to Indigenous peoples for sovereign data rights includes identity, not allowed to assert their identity, so no existing rights within frameworks so if a new system comes in that doesn't take into consideration their right indigenous rights e.g. for accessing public services, could exacerbate existing

Jo Spencer - (AUS) Initially drawn into the Guardianship WG realised that there was a model where we could put into place more certainty and controls with the right levels of trust and flexibility.  Work in Sezoo with John Philips.  Working with some parts of Gov.  Indigenous identity a passion project, not the right people to do it.  Once you have the tools, then can begin to tailor to needs of groups like indigenous peoples without the controls of government and surveillance capitalism.  Not about the tech more about the social impact of what you are doing.  Also some research w/ Universities around use of wallets.  

15 minsOverview & Goals of the TFAll

Notes to ensure we include dissenting voices by having some outside sessions later on in the process

  • Reviewed the Purpose. - As well as white paper - a practical self-assessment tool so that developers can 
  • Additionally - consider a self-assessment matrix as well.
  • TIMELINE - likely a "get it done and move on" style of TF. Long-running "SSI Harms Department" (casual analogy) isn't the goal for now. Focus on the deliverable for now, and consider what happens later then.
    • Additional Deliverable - what are the enduring needs (Phil) and report back to HXWG & Community.
  • Mapping risk in the wider ecosystem and assigning mitigation strategies that might be implemented by another group (e.g. a standard)
  • We should be aware that tech will only ever be part of the solution (follow-up work)

Open as to what happens once initial deliverables are provided

Agree to focus on IIW for StoryBoard, and the stuff we are stuck on - where we have need for other views and help

Keep the narrative - the tech won't save us!!!  This is about humans, they are the builders of the good and bad stuff. 'No tech fix for the human condition!'

APAC - Suggested change to Harms Mitigation Task Force.

Example - Verifier pays issuer - what's the harm, what's the impact, what are the mitigations?

Develop Persona to measure and manage harms/risk against.  EG indigenous people, concept of collectivised identity is core to indigenous people, so we have a 'Persona Group' rather than a single individual, also link with Environment, e.g. things with digital identity, rivers in India, Uluru in Aus.  How environment & lands are connected with identity of individuals and have their own (socio-centric vs ego-centric) - 'individual vs dividual'.  (WRT respectful approaches to working with indigenous peoples, I've been impressed by the work of Terri Janke:

Clash between two cultures e.g. Aus problem of indigenous incarceration problem.

How can these interoperate when different social views of identity and ways of managing rights & accountabilities

Example of Northern region crossing China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand - very many different ethnic groups forced into mountains and e.g. Thai Union is forced upon them. Long history - yes identity is a political tool that is related to power & control.  Consider land, connection,  associations & movements of people.  But note the cultural and spiritual connections to the land and deep within their psychographic identity.  Also needs to be considered and catered for.  Their own sovereign ability to govern the processes associated with technology.  This is where governance comes into play regarding collectivised identityColonial narrative and mental models for example in forms of identity and governance models.  Connection w/state services - collectivisation builds social capital and bargaining power w/state.

Perhaps go further and find these folks to participate and help us build real case studies and examples. On the ground reality, need to be careful that we have real people in mind.

15 mins

Discussion on next steps, plan

  •  ACTION - Darrell to clone storyline format (from Drummond)
  •  ACTION - ALL to review background links (on Purpose page under Links & Files)
  •  ACTION - Persona Development
  •  ACTION - reach out to others to join or be an 'expert witness'
5 minsClose & AOBNicky
  •  Nicky setting up APAC call time
  •  Nicky set 2 week cadence at this time

2022-02-28  SSI Harms TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 8:00 PT = 17:00 CET = 20:30 IST      Zoom Meeting Link
