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2022-12-08 BGBU APAC TF Meeting

7.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link  Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179


Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text

Attendees: Pyrou Chung; Nicky Hickman 

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
    • Consent to meeting recording?
10minsIntro's & UpdatesNicky

Update on Wallet TF - New Wallet Interactions & Patterns TF to work on patterns of design for wallets, aligns with Open Wallet Foundation (A Linux Foundation Project).

Judith Fleenor has started recruiting, Accenture, Trinsic - needs to work for them as well.  Alta Nel

Rimma Perelmuter - Trust in Tech consultancy, focused on human centred design and trust that works for the digital economy.  

20minsHarms TF update & next steps discussionNicky

Permanent Link to Harms Paper

IIW Session Notes: 

Elisa Trevino is putting it on github

Terms Wiki is done but - Glossary is not updating 

Judith Fleenor - We need to make sure that anyone who comments into the Public Review Process, then must join ToIP.  Could be able to do so through gdocs as this is a paper not a specification. 

Can do on Github or gdocs.

Phil Wolff    Blog post missing contributors, call to action. Name on acknowledgements. Nicky Hickman to update

Pyrou Chung - key is the so what question?  Different perspective from people's perspective.  EG school identity system for children - case study - how could we use the paper to structure and apply.  How do you apply this framework to assist in improving their digital identity system - Nicky Hickman to do cheat sheet, practical guidance, then apply to school.  International school in Thailand, have multiple jurisdictional requirements. Legal advice is they comply, but their rights are not respected especially for non-thai students.

Technical view?  Consent process but no data policy? Legal complications  pre/post-covid.  Their policy is not compliant with basic principles of privacy, failure consent = no school access.  Pyrou wrote to the principle and asked the data to be removed and find a way for her son to access the school.  Confusing issues:  security, access control, attendance.  Most of issues are not technical but are knowledge gaps, overlaps in user data for different and overlapping purposes. What is it used for?  ie Purpose?

Is public task applicable?  In a private school public task is not applicable.

Main issue is probably knowledge gaps - concerns about digital security among other parents, but most are unlikely to speak up.  Especially Chinese, they are fleeing oppressive regime, so they devise work-around's - jump the gate!  What are the protocols for intruder?  If indeed it is for security.  Biometric system.  

Thai government requires school to share the data with them for 'national security purposes' - risk for many who are in Thailand as they are at risk if identified.  Diaspora from all over the world.  Visa can be revoked, school can be implicated in this.

Next Steps:

January All Members Meeting - presentation open to others.  Special Topic.

X-pollination for Q1 - How can we work with you. inside ToIP

Phil Wolff outreach beyond ToIP and convening, still need some form of ongoing community effort.

Judith Fleenor must come from the WG., potential for SIG.

Judith Fleenor consider outreach to other identity communities

When is public review over?  30-60 days after the January All Members Meeting.  

BLOG - How and why should my company step up?

Next communications committee meeting is next Friday 9th December - approvals can be done via email.   

  • Implementation Guide & Technical Requirements; Cheat sheet and case study with Pyrou

The following must be sent to HXWG channel, could step out of the acknowledgements for those named in blog post. (Nicky Hickman )

Nicky Hickman sort out glossary, also set up the document for comment in g-docs for non-github route.

20mins2023 objectives Kalin

meeting cadence & timing, APAC inclusion.  Pyrou would like to continue to contribute to the community, Nicky Hickman to poll the APAC members to find an alternative time.

HX focus on Wallet TF

Business Scenarios workshop?


2022-11-24 BGBU APAC TF Meeting

7.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link  Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179


Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text

Attendees: Jill Bamforth, Nicky Hickman 

2022-11-21 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting

19.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST      Zoom Meeting Link 

Meeting Recording to come.

Attendees: Phil Wolff Christine Martin Neil Thomson Nicky Hickman 


5 min

Welcome & antitrust notice

Agenda review


Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in  this activity beyond an observer role.

10minNew intro's & Updates

Update from IIW.  Here are the notes that Neil Thomson took in the session that he and Darrell O'Donnell ran at recent IIW 35

Darrell brought up a series of topcis, new to topic, about 20 people including some heavy hitters, many will be looing at the notes and as an 'unoffical steal'!  No big gaps, turning minds to blocking or mitigating.  How do we make it easy for people to make the right choices.?  What kind of message do we want to send to technical thinking.  Receptive overall to incorporating thinking but not much certainty as to what that looks like at that point.  Need to make it clear to policy makers, but you cannot hope that the tech will solve, the tech alone cannot overcome the harms. 

Phil Wolff concerned that there is a gap between very technical principled idea of how this should work and everything that happens downstream. Separated by time, jurisidiction, etc, very difficult to imagine that this has any kind of negative externality.  Not obvious, and if they do see it why is it my concern vs others' concern

Neil Thomson commented that there is definitely a tension to make it usable but at what point do you want to protect the tech that is useful without constraining the tech itself.

Phil Wolff suggested a list of harms and countermeasures that is very specific as an appendix.  Christine Martin suggested a good idea.

Neil Thomson suggested a companion document with existing mitigations and other suggestions.  Very precise definition of harms.

Phil Wolff commented that first had to get community buy in to the fact of negative externalities, then we are inviting others to participate in harms work, quantifying risk and growing knowledge.  Processes fro quantifying risk and being accountable need to include human harms.  Not walk through the architecture, but an agreement that this is a necessary process.  Concensus that there is a problem is the call to action from this paper.

Neil Thomson consensus from Canada is also starting on things like filtering for those under 18 years.

follow up at next IIW requested.  

10minsmechanics on paperNicky

Terms Wiki is done -, forced to be much more specific about the terms that we use, and should have been done before the public version.  IE the glossary in the pdf version is not correct.

Paper is in PDF version

md version is under development. Definitely talk to Andor/Anti. Can help get in github properly

md version now complete in folder ready for github, Elisa Trevino is going to help Nicky with github.

30minsblog post & other follow upsNicky

Blog for development is here:  Phil also has written Negative Externalities and will add to blog - this is an excellent approach No.1 = Houston we have a problem!

Phil Wolff has already added some things, and Pyrou Chung has offered to contribute.

Jill suggested a set of guiding principles to support designers and implementers because environment is changing so quickly, we can easily test these principles.  Can we find principles also with diverse examples of their application.  EG Bills of Rights, Hippocratic Oath applies almost everywhere and accepted.

Common values = challenge - e.g. strict Muslim vs freedom from persecution for sexuality.

Comes back to ethics - gets embedded in politics and legal views.  EG Jill lived in many countries, how do you form that common bond = Family.

Depends on environment, context.  Recognition that application of principles in the context in which it sits.  EG China, see chinese first then British or Australian second, speaks to a fundamental view of how they view their identity.  So e.g. in Australia, must give up your Chinese PP to become an Australian national.  Chinese Gov imposes rules not Australian. Analogous with tudor period Catholic vs Protestant/Anglican. Can't have 1st master as Pope, consider purgatory, links are similar today - e.g. soul=land for indigenous people, very different approach to the land in Western mindset.

APO suggested by Jill once paper is ready could be useful to add to this resource.  If in different state, what needs to happen?  Would open up to many others.  Read by gov and industry.  Could be a way to promote to a broader audience. 

Get researchers together to bring our next steps for research - going deeper on wicked problems.  Theoretical and practical contribution is needed.  Where does it fit into theoretical vs practical thinking. Identify the nutty issues, then find PhD students to explore in depth. Also on the ground studies.  Maybe working to build a student/researcher community to bring others together.

Jill's extensive and thorough commentary is here. can serve as a basis for next steps on research side.

5minsClose & ActionsNicky

Nicky Hickman to outline checklist document

Nicky wanted to publicly acknowledge Phil Wolff 's enormous contribution to this paper, would not have happened without him.

Target Monday for publication date to accommodate Thanksgiving. 

Nicky to coordinate with Judith to arrange open event - for inclusion in blog post for call to action.  Join us - specific topic to review harms and strategies together and figure out next steps as an organisation/ community.

2022-11-10 BGBU APAC TF Meeting

7.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link  Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179


Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text

Attendees: sankarshan Nicky Hickman Pyrou Chung

2022-11-07 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting

19.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST      Zoom Meeting Link 

Meeting Recording to come.

Attendees: Nicky Hickman Darrell O'Donnell Christine Martin Neil Thomson 


5 min

Welcome & antitrust notice

Agenda review


Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in  this activity beyond an observer role.

10minNew intro's & Updates

Darrell O'Donnell will be at IIW, 

Neil Thomson co-chair of Data Modeling &___ WG authentic data vs authentic identity, follow on from ISWG many others on same track, triangle similar to issuer, holder, verifier, but different. One issuer, thousands of data providers.  How are these sources and issuers different? what denotes authenticity, consent etc - how do these fit together  e.g. DIF Data Agreements Group, same with Consent, discussions about the process/agreement, but not about the data.

40minWhite Paper Review key questionsNicky

Many reviewers and excellent comments on the paper  leading to improvements on the paper.  Many discussions needed going forward, further work.

Continuing the discussion: Overcoming Harms_Further Discussion Document, initially including detailed and thought provoking commentary from Jill Bamforth.  

Progress against ToDo's

  •  take out the moon analogy, Thank you Phil Wolff 
  •  move frameworks to appendix & trim
  •  simplify and clarify text
  •  improve exec summary so that it is a 2min useful read - Darrell O'Donnell looking into. following incorporation of additional community comments
  •  remember to add in Pyrou's Dusun people case study
  •  draw out the flip side of benefits
  •  add business case (Phil Wolff )  Important point about the commercial so-what, Nicky Hickman noted that harms are costs, a similar question to  Michael Becker who asked for thoughts on an article Personal Data Damages: A Reflection on Major vs Micro Concussions

 "A colleague asked me a question today "do you have a personal data harms stat that you can share that will help me shake up an executive? A stat that is so blatantly damaging that it will compel them to invest in the development of personal information management solutions and lean into being a personal information economy leader." 

Harms are costs: they cost businesses billions in customer services, abuse management systems, security, fraud management, reputational damage and opportunity cost. At the same time they cost every public purse billions mopping up the after-effects e.g. healthcare, benefits, national cybersecurity, ... As soon as that senior exec realises that the microharms not only impact his bonus, but also his taxes your friend will have his attention!  Energy concerns also adding in Environment section.  Energy & Resource costs of Tech, how do you reduce those harms. 

Is there a business case for addressing harms, or is it a moral endevour?

Darrell O'Donnell - need concrete examples.  Impact on employees of firms.

Neil Thomson - many things that may be done are additional benefits of using SSI, security benefit.  Future-proofing also a benefit, freebies by adopting SSI.

  •  change PEST to PESTEL adding in environmental and legal categories (Jill Bamforth, sankarshan )
  • Politics - Manipulation: Digital Identity and Democracy  REQUIRES DISCUSSION
    • include uncomfortable comments and statements
  • Economics - Datafication: Digital Identity as a Means of Production
  • Society - Fragmentation: Digital Identity and Globalisation
  • Technical - Innovation: Digital Identity and Efficiency
  • Environmental - Dissociation: Digital Identity and Anthropocentrism REQUIRES DISCUSSION
    • Pyrou - environmental and economic costs, draw out role of indigenous people in stewardship of carbon sinks etc, legalising displacement, double effect, harming them as people and also create more environmental harms.  EG Carbon sequestration, environmental degredation, offsetting this harm with rights = global good
  • Legal - Identification: Digital Identity as a Function of the Nation-State
  •  Glossary and definitions (in progress, see below)
  •  References tidy and x-check
  •  Github vs Gdocs and required publication routes - Darrell O'Donnell said that this for Public Review - IPR reasons needs to be in github. Christine Martin will share process with group so that public review can be in github
    •  Concerns about audience with Github excluding people, can be 
    •  sankarshan concerns, enough has been done to seek external reviews, little new reviews, so need to draw a line and move forward in subsequent TF or wider community
    •  Pyrou also agreed.  Folks want it to be practical & specific, but does it need to be in this document.  
    •  sankarshan github is main review tool, following publication can use github for issues or provide feedback on PDF, those issues can then form a new version of the Doc.  Not like code, opinion rather than code, not immediately in the main branch.  Conversation not code.
  •  Separate documents: note in conclusion next steps.
  •  Pyrou - need alternative publication route than github because won't reach those it needs to.  
  •  sankarshan conversations will happen elsewhere, very specific use of Github in this initial review cycle.
  •  writing a blog post Pyrou will draft by end next week
  •  Readiness for IIW session - volunteer from Neil Thomson to host session if no others more closely involved with the work volunteer. Darrell O'Donnell and Neil Thomson to work together on hosting a session with key discussion points.

Key Terms for final version & publication

  •  digital identity ecosystems vs digital trust ecosystems vs distributed data ecosystems (Paul Knowles )
  •  identity harms vs human harms vs data harms
  •  harm prevention strategies vs harm accountability strategies vs harm reduction strategies vs harm countermeasures and mitigation strategies (Phil Wolff )
  •  SSI vs web 5.0 vs decentralized identity vs ....?
  •  Overcoming human harm challenges vs Reducing the costs of human harms 
5minsAOB & CloseNicky

Worthwhile effort! We are looking at this and considering in our designs

2022-10-27 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
