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The GSWG currently holds bi-weekly Zoom webmeetings for the NA/EU time zones alternating between plenary meetings reviewing overall Working Group and Task Force progress on deliverables and special topic meetings. In addition it supports a monthly ToIP WG update meeting for APAC timezones. See the specific scheduling details of each meeting in the sections below.

You can get a calendar invite to any meeting via the ToIP Calendar page, and

APAC Governance Stack WG - Kicks off - Wednesday, 29 July 2020 — 90:30-10:10 IST/ 21:00-22:00 PT / 04:00-05:00 UTC

Send an email to to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at

  1. Welcome to attendees and Linux Foundation antitrust policy
  2. Recap of highlights from EU/NA meeting
  3. Updates on the various ongoing efforts under GSWG such as two new TFs being formed
  4. Specific goals, vision, plan - Opportunities for APAC GSWG to contribute in existing or new TFs, Use Cases, etc. / other regional topics

Thursday, 23 July 2020 — 11:00-12:00 PT / 18:00-19:00 UTC

POST-MEETING: Presentation (Google Slides) — Meeting recording

Send an email to to request a calendar invite ( you can subscribe to the mailing list at

  1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy
  2. Introduction of new members - 5 minutes
  3. GSWG Leadership Updates
    1. Co-Chair /Vice Chair Announcement - 5 minutes - Scott
    2. Announcement of First GSWG APAC Call  - Kalyan Kulkarni - 5 minutes
      1. Agenda for APAC calls
    3. Governance Library Repository - 5 minutes - Steve
      1. Framework Example Library
  4. Convening our first GSWG Task Forces (Chairs & Vice Chairs—10 mins)
    1. First active TFs
      1. Governance Architecture  - Drummond - 5 minutes
      2. Process & Roles - Scott Perry - 5 minutes 
    2. Other planned TFs
      1. Trust Assurance - Scott Perry - 3 mins
  5. Ideas to Deliverables, A Trust Over IP Workflow Proposal - Steven Milstein & Sankarshan  - 15 minutes
  6. Open Discussion / Q&A
  7. Topics for future meetings
    1. Corda Foundation Network (Carolyne Quinn, Executive Director)
    2. Trust Assurance 101 (Scott Perry, Convener)
    3. ISO Blockchain Technical Committee (Emily Dawson)
    4. Credential Master (Timothy Ruff, Interim CEO)

GSWG Meeting Structure

NA/EU Plenary - Every fourth Thursday — 14:00-15:00 EDT


/ 18:00 - 19:00 UTC

Presentation (Google Slides) — Meeting recording

Send an email to to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at

  1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy
  2. Introduction of new members
    1. Ajay Jadhav - Vice Chair Technology Stack  - APAC
    2. Khalid Maliki
  3. Review of GSWG mission and deliverables
  4. Presentation on ToIP Deliverables (Drummond—20 mins)
  5. Assembling our first two GSWG Task Forces (Chairs & Vice Chairs—20 mins)
    1. ToIP Governance Architecture TSS
      1. Deliverable stages - DRAFT to Publish
      2. Five types of deliverables - Spec, Template, Recommendation, Implementation Plan (more attributed to Foundry groups), White Paper
      3. Spec - TSS and TIP
      4. TSS - Internal (ToIP). External (Other Standards Body) or Hybrid Developed
      5. Mapping should be done from ToIP deliverables to input to the Global Standards Org - Volunteers?
      6. TSS can be submitted to global standards orgs (like W3C)
      7. Need for TSS that specifies technical requirements for ToIP Governance Frameworks - Part of Task Force
      8. Rec - Best Practice, Guidance and Glossary
    2. ToIP Interoperability Profile
      1. Communication between ToIP layers
      2. More aligned to Technology Stack - GSWG not producing TIPs
      3. TIP includes suite of accompanying deliverables for development and implementation support
    3. Templates - Majority deliverable from GSWG
    4. Recommendations  - Best Practices, Guidelines and Glossaries
    5. ToIP Utility Governance Framework Templates
      1. ToIP utility layer template, building on Sovrin & others, can describe Layer 1 processes and serve as a model for other layers
  6. Task Force Ideas
    1. Governance Layer Process Descriptions
      1. Working space: Governance Layer Processes
  7. Open Discussion / Q&A
    1. APAC support
  8. Topics for future meetings
    1. Carolyne Quinn - Executive Director - Corda Foundation Network
    2. Scott Perry - Trust Assurance 101
    3. ISO Blockchain Technical Committee Manager - Emily Dawson

See the GSWG Meeting Page template for the standard plenary meeting structure.

NA/EU Special Topic - Every second Thursday — 14:00-15:00 EDT


/ 18:00 - 19:00 UTC

Meeting recording

Send an email to to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at

  1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy
  2. Introduction of new members - 33 attendees
    1. Carly Huitema - Guelph, Canada
    2. Trevor Butterworth  - Ireland
    3. Tom Smedinghoff - Lawyer Private practice - Chicago - ABA Committee on Trust Frameworks
  3. Deciding on chairs, vice chairs, and terms
    1. Chair nominees
      1. Scott Perry
      2. Tom Plagge
      3. Drummond Reed
    2. Vice Chair nominees
      1. Steve Magennis
      2. Steven Milstein
      3. Sankarshan
      4. Kalyan Kulkarni
    3. Proposed terms ("duty cycles")
      1. Proposal to have an election in 2 months
  4. Presentation on machine-readable governance frameworks—Daniel Hardman
    2. Transfer legally bound policy decisions into software functionality
    3. JSON code in example
    4. User experience  - thought experiment - Higher education - Germany
      1. issuance of digital diploma
      2. describes trust rules
      3. name and version of governance framework
      4. Burden on user side?
      5. Common metadata fields needs to be flushed out
      6. Terms of Service needs to be included
      7. Rules conveying Issuer and Verifier Assertions
      8. Could have non-conformance communicated to Governance Authority or Auditors
      9. Could include "verifying the verifier" capabilities or triggering automatic actions by an agent to perform this automatically  
      10. GLEIF records can be used to vetting entities in the process
      11. Verifiers can be excluded upon conditions
      12. A machine-readable governance framework could also automate the process of doing the "verifying the verifier" task
    5. Terms of Service can be integrated
    6. Also redress and audit
    7. A machine-readable governance framework can also be versioned like any other software, but this needs to be carefully managed so as to maintain continuity
  5. Next steps on Governance Template Task Force
    1. Discussion of ToIP Work Products and Deliverables
      1. Specs and templates for joint deliverables being written - five different kinds  - to be discussed at a future meeting 
      2. TSS — ToIP Standard Specification
    2. Proposal: focus on two initial deliverables:
      1. ToIP Governance Architecture — a TSS defining the overall model and requirements for ToIP-compatible governance frameworks
      2. ToIP Layer One Utility Governance Framework Templates — a set of templates that implement the ToIP Governance Architecture for a Layer One utility
  6. Topics for Future Meetings
    1. Scott Perry - Trust Assurance 101
    2. <your topic here>

Thursday, 11 June 2020 — 11:00-12:00 PT / 18:00-19:00 UTC

Agenda and Notes

Meeting recording

  1. Status since last meeting (Scott, Tom, Drummond) - 5 minutes
    1. 29 attendees
    2. New Introductions
      1. Scott Whitmire IEEE - Standard for medical Imaging
      2. Gena Morgan - GS1 - Standards in Supply Chain
      3. Will Groah IEEE working with other ToIP groups
      4. AJ Finema - Bangkok, Governance Blockchain Decentralized identity consultant
      5. Gene DiMira - Manulife - AML Compliance Officer
    3. New whitepapers, templates, thought leadership documents should be sent to Scott Perry
  2. Templatizing a Utility Governance Framework based on Sovrin Governance Framework (Drummond - 15 min)
    1. Google Slides are here
    2. Sovrin Governance Framework - started in 2016, now at V2 including GDPR conformance in December 2019 - working group of over 50 members
    3. Modular Framework of documents including a Home Page, Master Document, Glossary, Legal Agreements, Controlled Documents and a Trust Assurance Framework
    4. Key best practices
      1. Modular design
      2. Must include legal agreements and legal teams
      3. One glossary for entire framework
      4. Roles and responsibilities
      5. Affiliated trust assurance framework
      6. Non-normative but accessible framework
    5. Tour of the Sovrin Governance Framework - available on web at
    6. Templatize the Sovrin work
      1. Tailored to Layer one but structure can be used as an overarching model for ToIP GSWG
  3. Example templates from the Brighthive Repository (Tom - 10 minutes)
    1. BrightHive has focused on Data Trust (aligned to Layer 4)
    2. Governance established through a data trust agreement (DTA) - on web at
    3. Roles and responsibilities - Better when there is a strong central authority
    4. Brighthive has examples in gitHub
    5. Framework adopted from the Intelligence Industry, Canada efforts
    6. Good examples from Goodwill Industries and the Commonwealth of Virginia
  4. Open Discussion
    1. Don't Boil the Ocean - Tackle progressive steps 
    2. Next Steps - Establish your own task force
    3. Start producing Tools
      1. Standard Specification on Governance Framework Template Model 
      2. Not Layer Specific - At an Architecture Level
      3. email soliciting interest in framework architecture design
      4. email soliciting other areas that members want to tackle
  5. Topics for Future Meetings - Contact Scott Perry, Drummond Reed or Tom Plagge
    1. Daniel Hardman -
    2. Scott Perry - Trust Assurance 101

Thursday 28 May 2020 — 11:00-12:00 PT / 18:00-19:00 UTC

Agenda and Notes

See this Google Slides presentation for the full agenda. Summary:


  1. Natarajan (Nat) Chandrasekhar – Cambridge, UK – individual contributor
  2. Dan Bachenheimer – Washington, DC – Accenture Digital Identity group
  3. Stu Vaeth – Boston, MA – Mastercard
  4. Bryn Robinson-Morgan – UK – Mastercard
  5. Arjun Govind – Philadelphia, PA (Bangalore for the moment) – Digital identity at R3
  6. Catherine Nabbala – Bangkok – Finema
  7. Dan Gisolfi – New York, NY – IBM
  8. Elizabeth Cronan – Washington, DC – Geoguard
  9. Eric Welton – Northern Thailand – Individual contributor
  10. Gregor Jehle – Stuttgart, Germany – P3KI
  11. Jim StClair – Mississippi – Dinocates
  12. Jan Lindquist – Stockholm – Hyperledger
  13. John Jordan – British Columbia – Province of British Columbia
  14. Mark Lizar – Toronto, Canada / UK – Open Consent
  15. Mark Scott – San Diego, CA – Individual contributor
  16. Mary Lacity – Fayetteville, AK – Sam Walton College of Business
  17. Matt Davies – Salt Lake City, UT – Finicity
  18. Paul Knowles – Switzerland – Human Colossus Foundation
  19. Robin Alexander – Vancouver, BC – Geoguard
  20. Steve Magennis – Seattle, WA – Polywug
  21. Steven Milstein – Montreal, CA – Collab Ventures
  22. Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay – Bengaluru, India – Dhiway
  23. Vinod Panicker – Kochi, India – Wipro
  24. Vipin Bharathan – New York, NY –
  25. Wenjing Chu – Santa Clara, CA – Futureway Technologies
  26. Will Groah
  27. Xinxin Fan – San Francisco Bay Area, US – IoTeX
  28. Chris Ingrao – Seattle, WA, US – LUMEDIC


  1. British Columbia government challenges include digital identity of individuals, corporations, legal entities, etc. Many times, when an online service is offered, the identity field is simply treated as a freeform text field, creating serious issues with misidentification, fraud, and others. 
  2. BC may lay out a set of policies at the Layer 4 level to make it clear who the recognized authorities are, in BC and elsewhere, for issuing identities (like drivers licenses). 
  3. At Level 3, BC could also recognize registries for verified person credentials, permits, licenses, etc.
  4.  BC might also recognize software solutions for citizens at Levels 2 and 1.


  1. Survey of existing governance framework models
    1. E.g., FATF, Pan-Canadian Trust Framework
  2. Classes of use cases and boundaries required for governance
    1. Levels of assurance that drive decisions along the stack. For example, government clearance may require high quantity and quality of sources, while employment confirmation may require less-strong assurance. Scott suggests:
      1. Untrusted class – no governance at all, status quo for the internet
      2. Internet Grade – a minimum standard of assurance with governance, a key missing piece
      3. Asset Grade
      4. Classified Grade 
    2. Need to understand use cases that government bodies might be asking of organizations such as ours. FATF example: is the digital ID system authorized by the government for use in customer due diligence (CDD)?
  3. Architectural Model for ToIP governance frameworks
    1. Required, recommended, and optional components at each layer
    2. Templates at each layer
  4. ToIP stack and verifiable credentials risk model
    1. See Confluence page that Scott has set up: Identity and Verifiable Credential Risks
  5. Contributions to ToIP glossary


Agenda focused on in-depth discussion of a topic or issue affecting the GSWG community

  • Emerging Trends Affecting GSWG
  • Highlight of Emerging Player - Impact on GSWG Deliverables
  • Future GSWG Topic or Deliverable
  • GSWG Process or Tool

APAC Special Topic - To be scheduled as needed

Agenda focused on emerging topic or in-depth issue affecting the GSWG APAC community

  • Emerging Trends Affecting GSWG APAC
  • Highlight of APAC Emerging Player - Impact on GSWG Deliverables
  • Recruiting / Aligning APAC into GSWG efforts

Index of Meeting Notes and Recordings

Children Display


  1. See organizational proposal from Dan Gisolfi


  1. Lightweight collaboration mechanism. Can spin up at any time and last as long as necessary.
  2. Minimum requirement: a wiki page.
  3. Can also have mailing list, github, etc.


  1. We elect our own. At least one, up to three (at least 2 recommended), can rotate.
  2. Volunteers? (Conveners volunteer; no additional volunteers on the call, but welcome over mailing list)
