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Industry sector: Social Services


The goal of the Human Trafficking Ecosystem Working Group is to effect the transformation of global human trafficking response.  Our first task is the drafting of a white paper on how can ToIP principals and governance be used to enhance the prevention of human trafficking in such areas as recruitment of victims, domestic abuse, child abuse, sexual assault.  

Develop and make available a set of documents which include (but are not limited to) a governance framework (a "GF") for verifiable digital credentials related to human trafficking and individual safety response.

Organizing Committee

Scott Warner -secours.ioJamie Stirling -

Jeremy Dzral - Block512

Interested Participants

Karl Kneis -

Paul Knowles - Human Colossus Foundation+


Philippe Page - Human Colossus Foundation




Objectives - Exploration - Human Trafficking & Safety Response Whitepaper

  • develop and make available a set of documents which include (but are not limited to) a governance framework (a "GF") for verifiable digital credentials related to human trafficking and individual safety response

  • use the CCI White Paper draft as a template
  • how can ToIP tools and governance best serve victim advocacy and domestic violence groups?
  • how can ToIP principals and governance be used to enhance the prevention of human trafficking in such areas as recruitment of victims, domestic abuse, child abuse, sexual assault?
  • how can credentials be applied, who benefits?
  • what is the current state of global human trafficking data collection, storage and unification?
  • can data become the new witness/evidence for prosecutors reducing the revictimization of victims?
  • can we use data to assist investigators in case prioritization? 
  • what does financial inclusion for for survivors look like?
  • how can we use data to create ROI measurements to attract investment to address these issues?
  • how can guardianship ID be applied to this issue? (Survivor advocacy is an "at will" relationship.)
  • how are civil liberties addressed? 
  • what events and data has standing in court?


  • Define and execute "To Small To Fail" deployment pilot.
  • Establish ToIP architecture, governance and best practices within the global public safety sector utilizing a focus on human trafficking response
  • Integrate the use of digital identity and credentials by human trafficking victims and survivors.
  • Develop data strategy. 
  • Deploy the Overlays Capture Architecture (OCA) data capture architecture to facilitate a standardized global solution for data capture, data language unification.
  • Use OCA to enhance human trafficking investigation, case prioritization and prosecution.
  • Define and deploy guardianship ID in the prevention of victim recruitment and survivor advocacy.
  • Integrate payment systems for use by victims and survivors.
  • Understand customer end user journey
  • Define customer success, measurement, KPIs
  • Define organizational success, measurement & KPIs
  • Determine goals and needs of participating organizations
  • Cost analysis of digital trust ecosystems
  • Various compliance analysis
  • End user privacy, safety, trust, and ethical behavior
  • End user acquisition and retention strategies
  • Organizational structure, protocols, and processes
  • Financial/capital structure and economic models (revenue, cost structure, fundraising)
  • Refine engineering and product development models
  • Partnerships (technology, marketing, channels)
  • Communications and public relations
  • Advocacy and regulatory environment
  • Existing or Competitive Alternatives
  • At what level is digital literacy in this space?
  • Guideline development
  • Define operational and procedural rules for VC issuance and verification
  • Regional Implementation prioritization.
  • Define best practices


  • Funding
    • Establish non-profit 501.c.3 fiscal sponsor - Completed. The Soteria Institute 
    • Build Website - Completed
    • Set-up donation payment systems - Completed
    • Set up social media for fund raising launch - In process
    • Set up GoFundMe account - Completed
    • Launch GoFundMe Campaign - March 2021
    • Lay groundwork for "Too Small to Fail" deployment pilots. Central Oregon - Cambodia - In process 
    • Secure payments partner for deployment pilots. - Completed
    • Execute Too Small to Fail deployment pilots.



White Paper Task Force

View file
nameCCI GF V2 - Public Review Draft.docx





Responding to Human Trafficking - Author: Alicia W. Peters Univ. of Pennsylvania

Responding to Human TraffickingImage Added


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