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This is the home page for the ToIP Governance Metamodel Specification. Please see the Governance Metamodel Companion Guide for a "user's guide" to this specification.  The purpose of this ToIP specification is to provide an overall template for ToIP-compatible governance frameworks from which the ToIP Governance Stack Working Group (GSWG) will then develop layer-specific templates are derived.  Each layer-specific template will be an instance of the metamodel that adds MUST comply with this specification.  They SHOULD add details such as:

Notations Notation and AbbreviationsKeywords

All terms appearing in bold on this page are listed in either the ToIP Core Glossary (based on the ToIP Core terms wiki) or the ToIP Governance Glossary (based on the GSWG terms wiki.) For more information see the Terms Wiki page of the Concepts and Terminology WGWiki page of the Concepts and Terminology WG.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

Table of Contents

Primary Document


  1. SHOULD reference any external websites, white papers, or other helpful background materials.
  2. SHOULD reference the ToIP Foundation, the ToIP stack, and the specific version of the ToIP governance template upon which the GF is based (if any).
  3. MAY include an "Acknowledgements" section thanking citing contributors to the GF.

Terminology and Notation


  1. For the governing authority (or each interdependent governing authority), this section:
    1. MUST state the full legal identity including jurisdiction(sincluding jurisdiction(s).
    2. MUST state the DID.
    3. SHOULD include the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) of the governing authority as defined by the Global Legal Entity Foundation (GLEIF).
    4. MUST state the DID.SHOULD provide an LEI.MUST provide contact information for official communication to with the legal entity governing authority.
    5. SHOULD provide contact information for official persons acting on behalf of the legal entity governing authority.
  2. For the GF itself, this section:
    1. SHOULD provide the URL for a publicly-accessible website dedicated to the GF ("GF website").
  3. The GF website SHOULD include:
    1. HTML versions of all documents in the GF.
    2. PDF versions of all documents in the GF.
    3. Highlighted links to the Governance Requirements controlled document(s) that specify how the governing authority itself is governed.
    4. If applicable, a primary trust mark for the GF displayed  displayed prominently on the home page and in the header of every other page.


  1. MUST state the full legal identity of the administering authority.
    1. SHOULD provide the LEIprovide the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) of the administering authority as defined by the Global Legal Entity Foundation (GLEIF).
  2. MUST provide contact information for official communication with the administering authority as a legal entityauthority.
    1. SHOULD provide contact information for official contacts acting on behalf of the legal entity administering authority.
  3. MUST clearly define the role of the administering authority i.e., what administrative authority the governing authority delegates to the administering authority and what decisions and processes remain the responsibility of the governing authority.


  1. SHOULD clearly state the primary governed roles in the trust community.
  2. SHOULD state any other relevant stakeholders.

  3. SHOULD state the primary types of interactions, transactions, or processes in which the actors serving these roles will be engaged.
  4. SHOULD state what kind of artifacts will be governed.
  5. SHOULD, if applicable, clearly state what is out of scope.


This section states the high-level outcomes desired by the trust community through its adoption of the GF. It:


  1. SHOULD serve as a guide to the development of policies, rules, and other requirements in the GF ("principles guide policies").
  2. SHOULD, if applicable, refer to previously existing principles whenever possible  (whether defined by ToIP or other sources).
  3. SHOULD be referenced (along with any other relevant parts of the GF) in any Legal Agreement so as to help clarify intent.
  4. MUST NOT include requirements (e.g., using capitalized RFC 2119 keywords) for which either human or machine conformance can be directly tested — those should MUST be stated as policies or rules elsewhere in the GF.


  1. SHOULD include the requirements that:
    1. Apply generally  Generally apply to governance of the entire trust community.
    2. Apply to the structure of the GF , (e.g., who is responsible for which controlled documents).
    3. Guide the development of more specific requirements within the controlled documents.
  2. SHOULD NOT include requirements that apply only within the context of a specific category addressed by one of the controlled documents.
  3. MUST include any responsible use policies that apply to infrastructure governed by the GF.
  4. MUST include any regulatory compliance policies that are not specified within particular controlled documents.
  5. SHOULD include a Code of Conduct (if not included in the legal documents) that applies to all trust community members.


  1. MUST state whether the GF can be extended.
  2. MUST specify the requirements an extension GF must meet in order to be approved.
  3. MUST specify the process by which an extension GF can be approved.
  4. MUST define an authoritative mechanism requirements for registration, activation, and deactivation of an approved extension GF.
  5. MUST define the requirements for notification of trust community members about activation or deactivation of an approved extension GF.

Schedule of Controlled Documents 

This section contains If controlled documents are included as part of the GF, this section MUST contain an authoritative list of all controlled documents in the GF. It:


  1. SHOULD be a single controlled document for each applicable language.
  2. SHOULD provide a common reference for all possibly ambiguous terms used throughout the GF.
  3. SHOULD reference the ToIP Core Glossary or any other , other relevant ToIP glossary or GF-specific glossary for all terms with established definitions in the overall scope of ToIPrelevant terms.
  4. SHOULD conform to standard requirements for a glossary, i.e., list all terms alphabetically for easy reference.
  5. MAY tag terms by category or usage.


These are the requirements for governing the GF as a whole. Controlled documents in this category:

  1. MUST include controlled documents that specify governance requirements (e.g., Charter, Bylaws, Operating Rules, and so on) for:
    1. The primary The governing authority (or all interdependent governing authorities).
    2. If applicable, the The administering authority, if applicable
  2. SHOULD address any policies required for antitrust, intellectual property rights (IPR), confidentiality, responsible use, or other requirements for regulatory compliance that apply to the trust community members.
  3. SHOULD include any requirements governing enforcement of the GF and how dispute resolution will be handled.


Technical Requirements

These are are the requirements governing technical interoperability. Controlled documents in this category:

  1. MUST specify how trust community members will interoperate technically using the ToIP technology stack by reference to any relevant ToIP specifications and recommendations.
  2. SHOULD include any additional specifications and/or specification profiles that are specific to the technical interoperability within this trust community.
  3. SHOULD include references one or more ToIP glossaries as more glossaries (see Glossary section) as needed.
  4. SHOULD reference any test suites or other testing requirements.

Information Trust Requirements

These are the requirements in the five categories of trust service criteria defined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Assurance Services Executive Committee (ASEC). These can be addressed by implementing internal controls as defined by the Committee on the Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Guidance on Internal ControlControlled documents in this category:


Inclusion, Equitability, and Accessibility Requirements

These are are the requirements governing how the GF enables fair and equal access to all. Controlled documents in this category:
