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Tuesday, July 7 — 06:00-07:00 UTC / 23:00-00:00 PDT (=prior day) / 08:00-09:00 CET / 15:00-16:00 JST


Agenda and Notes

(-Meeting recording here-)


Tuesday, June 23 — 11:00-12:00 PT / 18:00-19:00 UTC

Agenda and Notes

Meeting recording

  1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy (André)
  2. Introduction of new members
    1. Richard Esplin—Director of Product at Evernym, very active in Hyperledger Indy, Ursa, Aries
    2. Cameron Boozarjomehri, Mitre
  3. Further call for chairs & vice chairs
    1. Chair volunteers: Dan Gisolfi, André Kudra, others?
    2. Vice Chair volunteers:
      1. Cameron Boozarjomehri
      2. Mathieu Glaude
    3. Karl mentioned that we want to more broadly socialize this WG to new members
      1. Drummond confirmed that this is a priority for all the WGs as we have many new members (over 100 total now)
    4. There was consensus to keep nominations open for one more meeting cycle
      1. ACTION: André to send an email to the all-members list inviting new members and nominations
  4. WIP initial work items—leads, updates, working mode, next steps
    1. Workflow decision tree—Dan Gisolfi as lead (tbc)
      1. Dan explained that the Steering Committee is working on a description of the standard ToIP work products / deliverables (specs, templates, recommendations, white papers, etc.)
      2. Dan and team are working on capturing the stages in the lifecycle of a utility project
      3. He proposes a team that defines the stages in the flow —building on examples of existing or planned projects like Sovrin, Bedrock, etc.
      4. This will help us collectively define the major elements of a utility project
      5. Dan invites anyone who wants to pair with him on this work, just ping him on Slack in the #utility-foundry-wg channel (or DM)
      6. Karl agreed that identifying the stages of a lifecycle is something that also applies to the Ecosystem Foundry WG
    2. ToIP Utility projects liaison—André Kudra as lead (tbc)
      1. André reported that he is in contact with the three potential utility projects underway in Germany
      2. He is encouraging them to join the ToIP Foundation to collaborate to advance their efforts
      3. Karl asked about what definition we currently have of a ToIP Layer One utility?
        1. Drummond said that the most "official" definition is the current ToIP stack defintion in Hyperledger Aries RFC 0298.
        2. Dan pointed out that any ToIP Foundation member could contribute a definition of a term for the ToIP Glossary:
      4. Dan suggested that this work item could involve creating a markdown list of the utility candidates
        1. Dan is fearful of the ToIP Foundation becoming a "dumping ground" of projects that may not be qualified
        2. His view is that our list should be utility project who are directly contributing or seeking guidance from this WG about participating
      5. André explained one example: LISSI (Let's Initiate SSI) project lead to follow-up project in Germany, "SSI for Germany" (SSI4DE)
        1. SSI4DE is co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs
        2. Currently in the 6 months competition phase
        3. The next phase will filter it down to 3 projects that will each have 15M€ funding for 3 years
        4. He believes it has a very good chance to be a successful ToIP Layer One utility
        5. Company that is the consortium lead is Main Incubator (Commerzbank subsidiary for digitalization initiatives)
        6. Project description (German) under
          Google translate:

      6. André explained a second example initiated by German "ECO Association"
        1. They have assembled several members who are interested in forming a network
        2. Want to be fully aligned with ToIP right away
        3. André has encouraged them to become Contributor Members ASAP
      7. The third one is govdigital
        1. Driven from the public sector for the public sector
        2. They are also contributing a little to the ECO Association
        3. Only public sector orgs will be able to run a node
        4. Also planning to use Hyperledger Indy 
      8. André shared this link about all the German projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs
        2. Google translate:
      9. Findy (Finnish Indy) —
        1. Still recruiting members. Expect to join ToIP as both a utility, and as a group of
      10. Project in Austria —

      11. Alastria in Spain
      12. ACTION: Dan will start creating a file for listing projects and drop it into Slack
  5. Selecting/prioritizing further initial work items—preferences, leads, contributors, task force mode — Dan suggests that we tackle these once we have the SC document on ToIP deliverables
    1. ToIP Utility RFP templates
    2. ToIP Utility Best Practices documents
    3. ToIP Utility website and utility directory
    4. White paper repository & opportunities
  6. Topics for Future Meetings
    1. DanG: Utility Project Workflow
    2. Richard: Presentation on Indy-based utilities and progress of Indy
    3. Richard: Discussion about the current state of Aries, it's future, and interoperability
  7. Adding an APAC call time
    1. André proposes to do this on alternative weeks to the US/EU call

Tuesday, June 09 — 11:00-12:00 PT / 18:00-19:00 UTC

Agenda and Notes

Meeting recording (
