Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Priority labels are used to describe the impact and focus of the issue. Higher priority means it is more likely to find focus within the group.

prioritycriticalProgress on this issue is critical to the group's forward progress.
priorityhighIt is important for the group to resolve this issue soon.
prioritymediumThis issue is important to resolve before the next release.
prioritylowThis issue is "nice to have" for the next release, but could be deferred if time runs out.

Type Labels

Type labels are labels the define the nature of the issue and/or the correction itself.

typeeditorialThe issue only involves wording and not normative content.
typecontentThe issue involves normative content; resolution requires group consensus.
typecorrectionThe issue is fixing a recognized problem in the current version.
typeformattingThe issue involves fixing formatting.
typefigureThe issue involves a figure that it missing or needs to be revised.
typeadminThe issue is administrative and NOT about the deliverable.

Status Labels

Status labels are labels that are used to help identify the current state of the issue, so that we may accurately classify the work to do on it.

statusunassignedThe issue is new and has not yet been assigned to anyone.
statusin-progressThe issue has been assigned and work is in progress.
statusneeds-reviewA resolution (or concrete step forward) has been proposed and needs review.
statusblockedProgress is currently blocked; the block should be explained in a comment.
statuson-holdProgress is currently on hold; the reason should be explained in a comment.
statusdeferredConsensus has been reached that this issue can be deferred to a subsequent version.
statusabandonedConsensus has been reached that this issue can be abandoned.
statusPR-neededConsensus has been reached and this issue is now waiting for a PR to be submitted.
statusPR-in-progressThe issue is linked to a PR that is in progress
statusPR-completedThe issue is linked to a PR that is complete and waiting for review.
statusPR-acceptedThe issue is linked to a PR that has been accepted and is waiting for merge.
statusPR-mergedThe issue is linked to a PR that has been merged; this issue can now be closed.
statusstatus: last-callThe issue has been resolved by some other mechanism documented in the comments and is now in the 5-day last call.


Originally written by Andor Kesselman for the TechArch repo (