17.00 UTC = 10:00 PT = 18:00 CET = 21:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/99429712733?pwd=K214bTM4cG54YzZYVnZCL1I5MEdQQT09

Meeting Recording  available here

Main Goal of this meeting:: 

AttendeesBentley Farrington Nicky HickmanAndrew Slack Frederic Choudat Judith Fleenor


5 min
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

5minFollow up on Actions & Decisions from last meetingNicky/Kalin
  • Nicky to coordinate w/ John Phillips & Jo Spencer to get HX-APAC meetings set up and underway. Agreed to participate in SSI Harms TF, along with other APAC members.  Nicky to hook in w/APAC meeting & sankarshan
  •  Andrew Slack to do a short ppt on how to use Scenario Building & Role playing in design processes. (next time)
  • @Kalin Chase  Scott Lewis ref Intro Video or find alternative route.
10 minsIntroduction of new members & Updates

SSI Harms TF for Whitepaper - 1st meeting on Monday 28th Feb at 16.00 UTC where we will set cadence for further meetings

Forthcoming Expert Series:

10th March : Author and HCI specialist Amber Case,  'CALM TECHNOLOGY: DESIGNING FOR THE NEXT GENERATION OF DEVICES‍‍'.  

7th April : Arianna Rossi from UNIVERSITÉ DU LUXEMBOURG on Designing for Consent

Expert Series - now on wiki including summary and video link, blog post under review by comms committee, also looking to set up a YouTube Channel.

Frederic Choudat , FR, Telco background, developing integration, now moving back to identity, gathering intelligence. ConnEthics is as part of this organisation.  Getting involved, to understand the best way to engage.  Still  getting back up to speed.  Aiming to promote adoption of VC's amongst SPs.  Believe in standards as a route to adoption.  Particular interest in UX

Roaming for telco - thinking about Car rental, automotive, SSI is a game changer on this, many players, complex, closed ecosystem.  How could SSI be disruptive from a business model perspective - how could this change? Hospitality Special Interest Group at DIF is working on this entire travel journey recommendation.


Scenario Building & Role Playing in Design Processes

Andrew & Bentley
  • Draft to develop into 1st deliverable https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GAP9RXCsQRw-Mypf2LfUOy2T2AohFB1OAwOeg_VfWKM/edit# 
  • Objective to build on this draft of the document, aim to create as resource to share on the wiki or elsewhere.
  • Highlighted value in context of multi-stakeholders groups
  • Forming part of a toolkit is important
  • How can we use this in the x-over with TSWG - micro-deliverable used on one element of something else in ToIP.
  • Challenge from Judith - how can we x-pollinate?
  • frederic proposes a x-pollination workshop
  • Suggest live role-play session at IIW
5Wrap-up / Action Items
  • Judith to send links to HXWG G-Drive - all formal ToIP deliverables, only intended to be accessed by ToIP Members are stored there.  Others can be on private drives.
  • Andrew to help comms-committee with YouTube top & bottom
  • Nicky to send Judith Announcement Article for HXWG include SSI Harms TF, Expert Series forthcoming
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