4.00 UTC = 07:00 PT = 16:00 CET = 19:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link / Recording https://zoom.us/j/99318957120?pwd=WGlZTGRhYXcxaHRpd2E4RWJDMFNHZz09

(This link will be replaced with a link to the recording of the meeting as soon as that is available)

Main Goal of this meeting: Next convening steps & Intro to project 1 - HX for Governance & Trust Building in Yoma

Meeting Recording Here



1 min
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

4 minsIntroduction of new members
Ekene Ezike - mechanical engineer by profession, working as intern in Yoma, working on web design and analytics for web projects in Nigeria.
10 minsVolunteers for Chairs / co-chairsNicky
  • Andrew Slack volunteering
  • Nicky & Kalin voluneteering
  • Kimberly ready to support
  • Action: Nicky Notify Judith Fleenor  3 chairs & 1 vice chair Kimberly Linson
10 minsRoadshow - Growing the HXWG externallyKimberly
  • Discussed creating short video, as intro and based on ppt (3mins maybe 5) turn powerpoint & turn into a script.  (@kimberly) and then @Alta Nel.   
    • Purpose = Join HXWG
    • Add your project to our hopper
  • Alto Andrea  Morales - some animation skills  andymoralescoto.com A student could be interested.
  • Andrew: Prioritise reaching outside the existing community at ToIP - design community - space for them in the ToIP HX Group
  • Alta: Tech heavy, human design parts are separated
  • Bentley: Challenge is starting somewhere, no established patterns of engagement, always happening in-house or happening in isolation from other types of community engagement
30 minsYoma HX of Governance & Trust Building

Alta Nel

Clayton Bond

  • Intro to Yoma Persona  - first intro' use to start with these persona and considering how we build HX trust.
  • Ekene introduced Ntembe, 
  • Persona developed through research and consultation with Yoma community
  • How Yoma could bridge their needs with opportunities
  • Next time we will show with the Opportunity Provider insights
  • Link to Working Document
5 minsWrap-up / Action ItemsNicky

Next meeting  - more Yoma.

Bentley: Look at Yoma as case study, abstracted model of how to integrate HX.

Nicky: Yes - this is part of what we are calling Lean Governance which she will send links on.




  • link to the file


1) Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy

2) Introduction of new members

3) Item 1

4) Item 2

5) Item 3

6) Discussion - Webinars - next steps

7) Next Steps 


  • Sample Decision Item

Action items

  • Kalin to arrange HX Roadshow
  • No labels