
  • Co-Leads: Drummond Reed
  • ID2020 PM: Todd Gehrke


  • Scott Perry 
  • Elizabeth Evenden-Kenyon
  • Jacques Bikoundou  
  • Savita Farooqui  
  • Kaliya Young 
  • Chris
  • Mary Lacity
  • Erran Carmel
  • Jim StClair

Agenda Items

  • Introductions
  • Confirmation of new meeting time (to 1PM PT / 20:00 UTC)
  • Update on the GHP Guide to Key Concepts and Terminology
  • Decision on “Governing Authority” and “Administering Authority”
  • Review the remaining Primary Document sections
  • Discuss Risk Assessment and Trust Assurance sections
  • Volunteers to review RFC 2119 statements in other DG reports
  • Discuss our Recommendations document & Savita’s proposal
  • Agree on deadline for pushing our first complete draft

Presentations - 2021-05-06 Governance Framework DG Meeting.pdf

(PDFs posted)


1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy

Review Key terminology  Good Health Pass Guide to Key Concepts and Terminology.pdf

Again the “self” attestation causes concern 

Question about binding the identity to the pass

What are the options for getting there

Review Updates to the ToIP governance framework: 

Moving from the trust triangle to a trust diamond that includes the Governance Framework. 

[Jim] Suggestion to look at a maturity model for governance. Rather than having a pass fail rank governance frameworks wit a CCM type scale.

  • I think a parking lot item might be if there's one like I oughta or others that coming out of the starting gate would be close to a three or four as a yardstick to start with, within that 90 days and then essentially one 2.2

[Savita] I think time frame that we have and what do we need to publish the maturity model I think something that should be on our horizon, but not right away.

[Mary] there's baby steps and I love jim's idea of maturity model, but I also understand your constraints I can't believe you're doing all this as fast as you're doing it.

       Discussion about Savita's General and Specific governance framework diagram:


Action Items

  1. Drummond  & Scott to finis Governance Framework Draft and publish for review
  2. Todd to push document to review folder