
Agenda Items

Time ItemWho
1 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeTrev
4 minFollow-up Questions on Link SecretsEveryone

Exchange Protocols DiscussionEveryone
3 minWrap upChair 


  • Antitrust and IP announcement.
  • Had a discussion regarding Link Secrets. Reasons to require them, in some form, include allowing for the holder not to have to present a DID, and Evernym does have a use case (IATA) where composite proofs are needed.
  • Moved the conversation to exchange protocols.
  • The VC HTTP API is one option for transport. There are some concerns around the potential fluidity of the API, but it is likely sufficient.
  • Brent brought up DIDCOMM, which handles the “who are you talking to” question. Aries provides object types.
  • Kaliya noted that there are a number of groups that don’t use Aries, and we shouldn’t make that assumption.
  • Riley noted that conversations that he’s had is that there are some built-in assumptions in the Aries’ design.
  • There was a discussion regarding apprehensions regarding Aries.
  • Presentation Exchange is only for the verification side of things. It doesn’t cover issuance. Aries may be the only choice here.
  • It would be helpful to have an expert on VC HTTP API.
  • Looked at the “Aries Issue Protocol” flow diagram.
  • Daniel brought up the difference between open-source and “Big S” standards.
  • Riley: Before we stamp a recommendation on this, since we are lacking some knowledge, we should get feedback from other communities.
  • The IPR related to spec development is different from the IPR of code development. We need to be sensitive to this.
  • Drummond mentioned that for some VC HTTP API works better for B2B applications (e.g., supply chains). It has an assumption of a client-server architecture, as opposed to an edge-device to edge-device infrastructure.
  • Riley brought up SIOP.
  • How do we get more information regarding VC HTTP API? Is there someone we can bring in? What about IIW?
  • Had a discussion regarding how we could come to recommendations regarding standards.
  • Reviewed the new interoperability template.

Chat Log

00:10:53	Riley Hughes:	Sorry I’m late - are we collaborating in a google doc?
00:14:37	Brent Zundel:
00:44:55	Riley Hughes:	+1 trev
00:45:03	Riley Hughes:	Should get that knowledge, IIW seems like a good place
01:02:25	Daniel Bachenheimer:	gotta drop

Action Items

  1. Daniel to move the data in the existing template document to the new one.