White Paper Definition

An educational document to bring awareness, support, and promote adoption of philosophies, ideals, and deliverables supported and developed by the Trust over IP community.

White Paper Publication Process

  1. Gate 1 - Authors register white paper and status on the White Papers in Development Wiki - providing a link to document for comments and edits where applicable
  2. Approval Step 1 - Authors obtain draft approval for the white paper as a deliverable by Working Group (Sponsor) who can provide peer review oversight
  3. Gate 2 - Authors submit final version of white paper to Ecosystem Foundry Working Group for short presentation and recommendations from the White Paper Task Force
  4. Approval Step 2 - Sponsor Working Group approves deliverable and submits to Steering Committee
  5. Gate 3 - Steering Committee ensures alignment with Communication Strategy (may request recommendations) and gives final approval

White Paper Standards and Best Practices