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Table of Contents


The Concepts & Terminology Working Group (CTWG) helps ToIP members explain things clearly so everyone can understand, no matter their background or expertise.

This matters because ToIP members come from many different places and contexts. Often they do not speak English as their first language. They might know a lot about non-tech things that matter to ToIP. Everyone needs to understand each other at least a little. Sometimes a basic explanation is enough. Other times, like with IT engineers or lawyers, you need to go deeper.

We expect some mix-ups with words, where people might misunderstand each other. The CTWG tries to fix these issues. Sometimes, looking up words in a dictionary helps. Other times, especially in legal or technical work, a deeper understanding is necessary.


The Concepts & Terminology Working Group (CTWG) supports ToIP Working Groups and Task Forces by helping them developing the terms and concepts needed for their projects. Our work includes tools for defining, editing and understanding these terms, including term wikis and glossaries. The data we work within include detailed models of concepts, their relationships, and rules across various fields. While CTWG maintains a central repository of this information for everyone in ToIP to use, individual groups can also create their own specialized glossaries. These resources continuously improve as they receive input from various sources within the industry.



Meetings are bi-weekly, every second Monday from 10:00-11:00 PT / 17:00-18:00 UTC. See the ToIP Calendar for full meeting details including Zoom links.

See our Meeting Pages for agendas, notes, and links to recordings of all meetings.


The table below lists all CTWG deliverables that have been approved to move beyond Pre-Draft status.

Name of DeliverableDeliverable TypeLink to
Draft Deliverable
Task ForceStatus
Main ToIP GlossaryGlossaryCTWGGenerated document: 

ToIP Concepts and Terminology Guide



Generated document:

Specification Template



Generated document:

The overall scope of the CTWG includes the following activities:

  1. Develop and maintain a high-quality terminology that covers the needs of the ToIP community.
  2. Develop a process whereby this terminology can be:
    1. Curated, based on evidence and using expert opinion, such that concepts, relations between concepts and constraints can e.g. be
      1. carefully defined,
      2. assigned an identifier (name/number/label) to be distinguished,
      3. mapped onto terms that are defined and/or commonly accepted in various relevant domains/contexts,
      4. their usage documented,
      5. their status reported e.g. 'working', 'preferred', 'accepted', 'superseded' and 'deprecated'.
    2. Enhanced in a collaborative, open, and fair manner by interested community members.
    3. Versioned in the environment.
    4. Published in different ways (e.g. as a glossary, concept map, use-case stories ...), for specific purposes (e.g. education, reference, , ...) by different means (e.g. a PDF, a website, presentations/webinars, ...) and as needed by different audiences/stakeholders or domains (e.g. business domains, architectural domains, ...)
    5. Promoted as a valuable public resource and an influence for convergence and excellence.
  3. Train and organize volunteers so the initiative develops sustainable long-term momentum.
  4. Spread the word about our work across ToIP WGs and other relevant audiences.

Chairs / Leads

How to Join

Trust Over IP members can join this WG by signing up for the Foundation mailing list at Our mailing list is

Members as well as observers are welcome (see the caveat below).


For the protection of all Members, participation in working groups, meetings and events is limited to members of the Trust over IP Foundation (including their employees) who have signed the membership documents and thus agreed to the intellectual property rules governing participation. If you or your employer are not a member, we ask that you not participate in meetings by verbal contribution or otherwise take any action beyond observing.  To join the Trust Over IP Foundation visit our ToIP join page and fill out the membership agreement. 

Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Patent, Source Code)

The WG inherits the IPR terms from the JDF Charter. These include:

Next steps

Deep dive into the Core Concepts of our work, study the history of Meeting Reports, or join us for the next Concepts & Terminology work group (CTWG) meeting

Mission and Scope

The (ambitious) mission of the proposed MM&T WG is to identify and address the issues of ToIP stakeholders/users, that relate to ways of thinking (mental models) and terminology, and that may adversely affect the ToIP mission, i.e. "constructing, maintaining and improving a globally working, pervasively used, scalable and interoperable infrastructure  for the (international) exchange of verified and certified data".

Conveners (add your name if you are interested to become one of the convenors)

  • <we need a convenor-lead name here>
  • Oskar van Deventer (TNO)
  • Rieks Joosten (TNO)

Interested Members (add your name if you may be interested in joining this proposed WG)

  • Drummond Reed
  • Daniel Hardman
  • Scott Perry
  • Shashishekhar S
  • Philippe Page
  • Paul Knowles



ToIP is the first and only member of the Linux Foundation that, next to a focus on technology (e.g. cryptography, DIDs and other identifiers, communication protocols, verifiable credentials, etc.) also and specifically focuses on governance, including business, legal and social aspects. Its complex and daunting mission is "constructing, maintaining and improving a globally working, pervasively used, scalable and interoperable infrastructure for the (international) exchange of verified and certified data". This is an engineering task that must not only provide the technology, but also actual business value and capabilities for complying with different legal contexts and societies. The main difficulty ToIP seeks to overcome is the integration between technology, business, legal, etc. 

MM&T WG Mission

A well-known impediment for this is 'language confusion', evidence of which is that many stories about this exist in various cultures. A more contemporary acknowledgement of this is the arechitecture of the EU parliament building in Strasbourg, which resembles the Tower of Babel (according to Pieter Brueghel's famous painting).

The (ambitious) mission of the proposed MM&T WG is to identify and address the issues that relate to ways of thinking (mental models) and terminology that may be an impediment for the ToIP mission of constructing, maintaining and improving a globally working, pervasively used, scalable and interoperable infrastructure  for the (international) exchange of verified and certified data.

MM&T WG Purpose

In a similar way that the results of ToIP, in order to be used, must be fit for purpose, the results of this WG must also be 'fit for purpose'. This implies that the WG needs to keep tabs on what the various stakeholders will actually want to do with the mental models and terminology that this WG will govern.

Specifically, the WG  shall create and maintain a list of stakeholders, their objectives, the issues they face regarding mental models and terminology, and the products or services that they might use for resolving such issues.

Knowing the kinds of products or services that will actually be used by others will provide the requirements that the mental models and terminology of this WG must satisfy. It helps us decide what tasks to undertake, guide us with tool selection, etc.

This is especially important because we envisage stakeholders to come from very different domains - technical, business, legal, etc. - each of which has different needs. Minimizing the effort being spent in this WG will require us spending some time to identify these needs, and finding ways to reconcile them into a minimum number of artefacts to be produced and maintained.

Mental Models and Terminology

The most basic purpose for having mental models and terminology (formal labels for carefully defined concepts) is to help someone that interprets a term (interpreter) that is uttered by someone else (speaker), to accurately apprehend its intended meaning. In casual, human conversations, 'interpretation errors' (mis-apprehensions) may be detected and corrected if relevant. In automated contexts, terms (messages) are just interpreted as they are programmed, so any miscommunication occurs at the human level, and may go undetected and lead to buggy software (or costly repairs).

We want to build on a specific practice we find in (Dutch) legal settings. In many court cases, discussions are about whether or not someone or something qualifies as (an instance of) a term, e.g. 'guardian'. The outcome of this discussion is relevant, because the law assigns consequences (duties, rights, ...) to those that do, or do not qualify. Often, the first article in a law document specifies the terminology that is used by that law, and hence should also be applied in cases where that law applies. And the point is that lawyers, knowing that such definitions must be used to decide whether or not something qualifies as in instance of a term, have made it a habit of defining a term in terms of criteria that judges and lawyers can apply, precisely for the (basic) purpose of ensuring that they all mean the same thing in a specific context. We have noted that it sometimes happens that a single criterion has different names (terms) in different laws. Lawyers can work with that by keeping strict tabs on the scope and context from which a term stems, and in which it is used.

Emphasizing that the MM&T WG is NOT for legal users only, we still remain inspired by the 'Legal Dictionary', which not only provides a definition of various terms, but also a brief description (for TL;DR readers), backgrounds, various use-cases that exemplify the relevance of (the distinctions made by) the terms, and more. This may well serve as a prototype of (one of) the result(s) this WG would be working towards, that would be capable to reconcile the different needs that different stakeholder-audiences could have in a single MM&T WG product, and that could evolve as ToIP evolves.

MM&T WG Tasks

The envisaged tasks of this WG consist of

  • creating and maintaining a list of stakeholders, their objectives, the issues they face regarding mental models and terminology, and the products or services that they might use for resolving such issues.
  • specifying, creating and maintaining a product framework, inspired on the 'Legal Dictionary', that can be filled with contents concerning mental models and terminology (and other relevant stuff).
  • specifying and operating a process for maintaining and improving the contents of that framework, a proposal for which is under construction.
  • specify other products/services that the WG will provide, or organize to be provided, so as to help stakeholders to address their issues.
  • specifying and operating processes for maintaining (the contents of) such products/services.
  • ...


<insert proposed governance policies and procedures>

The MM&T WG will have a (small) 'governing committee' (GC) that

  1. oversees the work that is being done to further/fulfill its mission as described above, which consists at least of the following:,
    1. function, at least initially, as a modeling committee (MC) for the mental model on 'Mental Models', and how to CRUD them. 
    2. define the artefacts that constitute the 'body of knowledge' (BoK) of the MM&T WG, which document all mental models and terminology that the WG governs.
    3. define artefacts that may be considered for CRUDding the BoK of the MM&T WG mental models, as well as criteria that must be satisfied in order for such artefacts to be considered.
    4. define the process that considers  such artefacts (that satisfy the criteria), and produces a decision saying whether or not to update the BoK, and if so, how the BoK will be updated.
    5. define concrete artefacts (e.g. web pages, ...) that are to be generated from the BoK. Such artefacts are part of the results/products that the MM&T WG aims to produce.
    6. ensure that technology is available that automatically generates and updates such artefacts from the BoK (particularly as it is changed).
  2. connects/liaises to the other WGs within ToIP as well as groups/organizations outside ToIP, e.g. relevant W3C groups, DIF, ... for the purpose of furthering the work of both the ToIP MM&T WG and that of the other groups, insofar that is considered useful.
  3. ...

The MM&T WG will have at least one 'modeling committee' (MC) that oversees the construction and maintenance of mental models that are relevant within ToIP, consisting of carefully defined concepts, relations between them and the constraints involved. In order to refer to these, the committee will choose labels that appropriate with in the scope of its own work. Each mental model will also be associated to 'stories' (visions, use-cases, ...) that explain it, or identify pitfalls etc.,  in terms of what is understandable in other domains (e.g. legal, business, ...), using labels that exist in that context if they nicely map onto concepts or relations, or otherwise introducing/suggesting other labels.