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  1. EFWG 2021-04-08 Meeting Meeting - Agenda & Notes Introduction of new members The Blockchain … +Task+Force Action Items meeting-notes
    HomeApr 09, 2021
  2. 2021-04-08 Consistent User Experience Drafting Group Meeting Notes

    updated blueprint recommendation template at next meeting meeting-notesMeeting Recording:
    HomeApr 09, 2021
  3. 2021-04-08 Security, Privacy and Data Protection Drafting Group Meeting Notes

    regarding defining code of conduct. meeting-notes … Notes Did the IP / antitrust announcement. The Google document is the place where everyone can
    HomeApr 08, 2021
  4. 2021-04-08 Rules Engines Drafting Group Meeting Notes

    needs to comment on the content in the document. Still need people to volunteer for the user stories section. meeting-notes … Notes Reviewed IP / antitrust notification. Chris reviewed where we are in the document. Please try to avoid reading other input before
    HomeApr 08, 2021
  5. 2021-04-06 Standard Data Models and Elements Drafting Group Meeting Notes

    + annex) Further discussion on FHIR vs. JSON-LD data exchange model Move working group meetings to Mondays meeting-notes … , 2021 12:00 PM Meeting Recording:
    HomeApr 07, 2021
  6. 2021-04-06 Consistent User Experience Drafting Group Meeting Notes

    journeys across zones meeting-notes … Welcome & Antitrust Policy Notice Chair 10 min Review of kick-off meeting discussion TBC 40 min User Journey Mapping & Frictions TBC 5 min Wrap Up
    HomeApr 07, 2021
  7. 2021-04-06 - Trust Registries Drafting Group Meeting Notes

    Guidance TBC 5 min Tooling Chair 3 min Wrap up Chair  Meeting Notes Presentations  Initial Presentation … 2. Topic A 3. Topic B   4. Topic C  5. Wrap up  Next steps         Action Items TBC meeting-notes minor fix
    HomeApr 06, 2021
  8. 2021-04-06 Security, Privacy and Data Protection Drafting Group Meeting Notes

    our next meeting on Thursday. Trev to add information from the Digital Green Certificate. meeting-notes …   Recording - Link Notes
    HomeApr 06, 2021
  9. 2021-04-06 Rules Engines Drafting Group Meeting Notes

    Registry drafting group. A conversation regarding the natural follow-on results of this readout. Action Items meeting-notes … Notes Notification of IP and antitrust requirements for the drafting group. Everyone is asked to review
    HomeApr 06, 2021
  10. 2021-04-01 - Trust Registries Drafting Group Meeting Notes

    & PM 5 min Introductions Chair & PM 5 min Backgrounder Chair + Open Discussion Group 2 min Wrap up Chair & PM Meeting Notes … additional notes from the previous meeting around the set of questions introduced by Marcos). Some of Marcos’ points:  The issuer will typically choose which
    HomeApr 06, 2021