Please create separate groups for each organization so that we can keep track of these.


LiaisonCommittee/Group NameObjectiveURL to homepageAlignment with ToIP WG or TF

TC 307

TC 215


LiaisonCommittee/Group NameObjectiveURL to homepageAlignment with ToIP WG or TF
Drummond ReedCredentials Community GroupCoodination with CCG efforts Multiple, mostly on the Technology Stack side


LiaisonCommittee/Group NameObjectiveURL to homepageAlignment with ToIP WG or TF

DIF (Decentralized Identity Foundation)

LiaisonCommittee/Group NameObjectiveURL to homepageAlignment with ToIP WG or TF
Drummond ReedInterop Working GroupInterop w/DIF components of the ToIP stack (e.g., DIDComm) are being developed at DIF


LiaisonCommittee/Group NameObjectiveURL to homepageAlignment with ToIP WG or TF
Tom PlaggeGovernance Working GroupTest deliverables, incorporate feedback governance body for ToIP ecosystem in higher ed/employment