04, August 2020  — 09:00-10:00 PT / 16:00-17:00 UTC

Send an email to decentralized-semantics-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).


Guiding Goal: Describe potential new Overlay types to the WG.

Meeting Notes

Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/wMokcIDJzWVIaNKVw3v4fvJ6Nb7fT6a8gyJKqaVYxB18YBnOYgy_0M8w2Y6ZlS51

Participants (Name / Location / Time zone / Affiliation):

Additional Desired Outcomes:

Leadership positions:

(Note: We plan to instigate an official submissions, nominations and voting process. In the meantime, please put your name down if you are interested in volunteering for either a Chair or Vice-chair position.)