The AI & Metaverse Technology Task Force (AIM TF) is an approved task force of the ToIP Technology Stack Working Group (TSWG).


The TSWG AI & Metaverse Technology Task Force (AIM TF) is to complete a ToIP Recommendation for the ToIP community to address opportunities and challenges brought on by advances in AI, Metaverse and related technologies in relation to ToIP's mission of creating interoperable trust over the Internet.

Some of these themes were also discussed in the Internet Identity Workshop (IIW'34) April 26-28, 2022, in a talk given by Wenjing Chu "Identity in the Age of AI".

The mission of this task force is to identify the issues brought on by these technology developments and provide a Recommendation for a roadmap of future work in ToIP. We plan to accomplish this in two phases:


The deliverable of this Task Force are:


Please add your name to this list if you wish to be a lead:

Membership and Joining

Prior to participating in the meetings please ensure that you are a member of the Trust Over IP Foundation. Contributor level membership is available to anyone at no cost. Details can be found at this link.

To join this TF, add your name to this list (along with your affiliation if your organization is a ToIP member):

Meeting Schedule

The first launch meeting is scheduled.

We will discuss in the first meeting, among other topics:


Our Slack channel is #tswg-aim-tf. Please join us there:


Key milestones will include, but are not limited to:

  1. Phase 1: Survey and White Paper
  2. Phase 2: Recommendation and/or White Paper

Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Patent, Source Code)

As a Task Force (TF) of the Governance Stack WG (GSWG), the GATF inherits the IPR terms from the GSWG JDF Charter. These include:

Mailing List and Communications

This task force uses the following for communications