Industry sector: Industrials | Sub-industry: 




Goal: The goal of this Task Force is to gain clarity on the existing GhG data landscape, including:

product / market fit: Composable chain of trust

Sustainability, GLeiF integration, Adoption

projects related to GHG: Measurement Standards,, ,

5-8 Global Standards on collection 

Optimize energy usage in practice

BC-Gov: mining, Esatus: 

Blockchain mess, Hyperledger WGs

Meetings and Communications

Meetings are every other week on <Wednesdays> at <Time>. The zoom link is: https://zoom...  

A slack channel has been set up <#slack channel>


Primary Deliverables

How to join

Anyone with an interest in <interest> is welcome to join the GHG TF and encouraged to contribute. Join us on our bi-monthly call, on slack or reach out to <Primary Contact> to learn more.