
July 22, 2022




5 min

BLOG Updates and Approvals

4 minEvent Schedule and Wiki Page Judith Fleenor
5 minWebsite Update - Memberships PagesJudith Fleenor
2 minOpen Source Summit Mini and Hyperledger Global Forum Planning
5 minAction Item UpdatesJudith Fleenor 
As time AllowsOpen DiscussionAll





Judith Fleenor kicked off the meeting with the Anti Trust policy to review and the agenda. Judith Fleenor reviewed the agenda and then provided an update regarding BLOG Updates and Approvals. She mentioned that we've approved OIX Trust Framework, Monokeejoining ToIP as Steering Committee member, Identiverse Recap, Identity Week Recap and AI and Metaverse BLOG (AIM TaskForce Creation) all in the past month. We're awaiting the Avast content for approval, as well as, the Why DID We Do DIDs? Critical Guidance to Using Decentralized Identifiers Correctly. The Communications Committee approved for the Why DID's blog to be posted on July 26th. Alex Walz recommended we include a blog on the Mini Summit while Judith Fleenor reviewed the outstanding blog ideas previously discussed. Drummond Reed mentioned that due to high travel and holiday schedules, typically August is a quiet month, so we should aim to publish the blogs that we have an the schedule currently for next month.  Alex Walz mentioned that he can commit to getting an answer to Judith Fleenor next week on the Avast blog. Judith Fleenor went on to introduce website updates with Alex W and Alex M. She provided the updates that were discussed and approved last week, New features on the homepage, Blog Updates, removing the GHP and a new image for the "Join Now: button on. She went on to mentioned the Model page update to incorporate the ToIP Stack image and the new membership structure and fees page. 

Website Updates:

Alex Metcalf introduced the live websites with the "Latest News" that includes the three most recent blog posts. He went on to share that we will be updating the Good Health Pass section with events updates. Alex Walz mentioned that we replaces the Join Us section with new images of Steering Committee members. Judith Fleenor mentioned that one of the images works, but the other image may require permission from the the folks in the image. Alex Walz requested folks to share additional images from other events to start building a library of images to use in the future. The Communication Committee approved and likes the look and feel. Alex Metcalf went on to shared the Design Principles section that hyperlinks to another page. The idea is to expand the section as an introduction to the information. Do we want to have a panel here to better illustrate the design principles or just have the content to read. Judith Fleenor suggested a list of the design principles with an image and one sentence to illustrate each of the seventeen principles. John Jordan recommended the idea of a Principle of the Day/Week in the future state via automation and everyone agrees that's a great idea to illustrate the work and principles to make the homepage more dynamic. Alex Walz introduced the Upcoming Event page with the lead content about our up-coming ToIP Mini Summit. He shared the events will include dates, description, registration information and discount code details. He mentioned these will highlight our ToIP members who are speaking at the events. Judith Fleenor asked about the logo Alex created and everyone likes and approves. The discussion continued regarding where the Events pages should live and it was recommended to either put it under About Us or to replace Blog with Resources to incorporate Blog information and Events information. Then it was recommended to move Contact, under, About Us and then add an Events title. Alex Walz mentioned we can move Contact Us under About Us and add a Footer for Contact Us information as well. Alex Metcalf went on to share the Designs Principles content not he home page that's in the dev site. Alex asked for clarification on the image and content that will replace the GHP and she clarified that we should be promoting the Mini Summit in September, but the details should articulate that additional events

Action Items:

Action Items from previous meetings: